Dave, when I opened this in max size in lyte box, the rhs was off the screen. I think it looks better without the foliage and lamps.
Dave, that's a great photo, wonderful colours and reflections.
I tried a minor crop to take out the first lamp post and the handrail on the bottom right.
Try it if you like and see what you think.
Cheers, Greg
Hi Dave,
great shot, but I agree with the guy's regards the lamp & hand-rail.
This is a minor issue to what is a very good picture.
Hi Dave, I probably would of framed the photo the same way you did but I have to agree with the above posts. I do like the photo but maybe the lamplight does take away from that gorgeous touch of sunset. ....Bob
Thanks Greg, Greg, Donald, John and Robert. Point taken about the street lamp, I'll have a look at either cropping or cloning it out.
It's nice to have a photo that the one simple fix mentioned by everyone is the only thing that's needed.
This is a very fine photograph.
Many thanks Bruce.
The revised image proves all of us rightand proves you to be a wonderful photographer. Better yet, toggling back and forth between the two images in the Lytebox brings new meaning to the term, "magic lantern."