No not me this time, but my daughters new camera. Was it her fault, some would say (as the insurance company says) it's always the owners fault unless it was stolen forcibly. Not so funny thing was, she had just bought the camera (a sony) two weeks ago. She wanted to learn how to use it before leaving on her trip to Costa Rico, taking her team of gymnasts with her, for an international meet. Just maybe a lucky thing about it was, she had asked me about getting her dream camera, a Canon t4i, not the best but her first DSLR, and I had told her why not wait until she gets back, and just buy a point and shoot for now. I figured the learning curve with her busy schedule would have been to much to learn at this time. So she actually took my advice. Problem is, the Sony point and shoot she bought, had interchangeable lenses, and was in the five hundred dollar range. So I figured well, this just may be her camera. Guess someone else decided to take that away from her. She lost it over the weekend, not really knowing where or how, went to do her final packing last night and it was gone. I feel so sorry for her. She went back to the gym and nothing. I didn't tell her this, but I figure if she put it down within reach of the general public, it was snagged. The disappointment in her voice was terrible to hear. Sorry to share such heartbreaking news with the rest of you, but it did make me feel better. . She lives in Washington and I in California, if I could have, I'd given her my camera to use.