I think most of what can be achieved, is governed by one knowing the limits of the gear and also the capacities of the gear, at those limits.
On a 5D Series Camera: my preferred “Street Lens” is the EF35 F/1.4L.
#592881 JPEG.
5D, 35F/1.4.
F/2.2 @ 1/320s @ ISO3200; HH; Manual; AWB.
For me, the 35/1.4 has the best of all aspects: very, very fast (aperture); very good wide open; excellent @ F/2; I understand, intimately, the FoV for the range of Shots; it is perfectly balanced and weighted for one handed shooting, either hand and also inverted; I know all the DoF/ Framings, backwards (35 was the staple Newspaperman's "doorstop" lens); it has an 'adequate' amount of distances marked on the lens's focus turret.
However , I know the one 'limit', when using this lens, is: that it is NOT a Zoom Lens - so my brains is seeing and is aware "at 35", accordingly.
My next most used “Street Lens”, would be the EF24F/1.4L or the EF135/2, difficult to tell which I use more often – but the 35/1.4 wins the ‘most used street lens prize’, hands down.
The 24 is excellent for Hip Shooting.
The 24 to 105 is a very handy “all-in-one lens”: at the expense of it not having a very fast aperture.
However, as one example of understanding the capacities, at the limits of the gear - with a bit of forethought and then practicing some specific techniques, one can learn to exploit the wider uses of Image Stabilization:
#593236 JPEG SOOC
5D; 24~104F/4 IS @ 82mm.
F/4 @ 1/5s @ ISO1250; IS ‘ON’; Manual; AWB