Originally Posted by
William W
The Canon nomenclature for this function in later model EOS DSLRs is: “Picture Style”
Picture Style (as already mentioned, 'dje') affect ONLY the JPEG FILE - AND - the file's preview and data, as seen in the camera's LCD. These two facts are important, especially if one places decision making emphasis on the Histogram, Blinkies or LCD preview -
As Dave Ellis (correctly) and articulately notes:
even IF you are ONLY shooting raw, the choice of Picture Style may indeed affect your photography.
Each Picture Style can be CUSTOMIZED by the user: i.e. the user can change ‘Sharpness’; ‘Contrast’; ‘Color Saturation’ and ‘Color Tone’.
“Faithful” does have one FUNCTIONALITY, which as I understand CANNOT be changed in CUSTOMIZATION, by the user. This non-changeable function is related the colour temperature of the scene and the subsequent JPEG as produced by the camera. The comments above by Lex, 'RustBeltRaw', also allude to this non changeable functionality of Picture Style, "Faithful".
As Lex mentions / implies, this NON CHANEGABLE functionality of "Faithful" is quite useful / important: especially if one makes use of and places a lot of credence in the Image Preview Functions (Image and Histogram) when using Canon DLSRs, even if one is only shooting raw.
Faithful is the Picture Style you use:
The “Faithful” default settings is: ‘Sharpness’; ‘Contrast’; ‘Color Saturation’ and ‘Color Tone’ to the ‘0’ (zero) position. This is the same as Picture Style “Neutral” – but ‘Neutral’ does not have the Colour Temperature attribute which “Faithfull” does have and which I briefly mentioned above.
YES the camera is still processing the JPEG image (and previews) even though the ‘settings’ are in the zero position.
What do I use and why?
I use Canon DSLRs and capture ‘raw + JPEG(L)’. Because sometimes I use the JPEG image with minimal Post Production, I set the Picture Style to suit the JPEG output that I require. I have made several (arduous) tests and I now have a set of general lighting scenarios which will then determine what Picture Style I will choose to use.
If this answer means that you shoot raw ONLY: then, it is reasonable just to leave the “Picture Style” set to 'Faithful', if you are happy with the preview information it is providing you and don’t concern yourself any further about it.
However: I'll reiterate that these Picture Style Functions should not just be dismissed as functions for the beginner only.
I would, caution you about dismissing them and moving on without understanding what they actually do and how they might affect your Photography.
Especially understanding Picture Styles is important, if you use the Camera's previews functions to assist you to make technical appraisals and choices: as one example - using the Blinkies or the Histogram information, to subsequently Chimp.