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Thread: Picture Styles which do you use and why?

  1. #21

    Re: Picture Styles which do you use and why?

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    First and last (as above) post titles changed. All subsequent replies should pick up the new title.
    Thank you Donald,
    It may help others looking for the same info that I am.

  2. #22
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: Picture Styles which do you use and why?

    I leave everything off and post process on my more recent cameras. Under certain circumstances I may use auto iso and auto noise reduction etc but still control the exposure. I think a lot of this varies according to the camera and increasingly it's age.

    I used to shoot a lot of black and white on film and from the results on that I have yet to get something from a digital camera that I am happy with. Same goes for shots by other people I have seen. Hard and gritty seems to get closest but still lacks something some how. Personally I was also fond of soft and pastelly and I have yet to see a black and white digital image that matches that. I often suspect that this is all really down to PC screens.

    Might be memory too but when I see shots that naturally have a restricted tonal range I'm inclined to think they are ok if well taken.


  3. #23

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    Re: Picture Styles which do you use and why?

    Picture Styles which do you use and why?
    My cam is a Nikon, and the picture control I use is "vivid".

    why? I like vivid colors.



  4. #24
    wobert's Avatar
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    Re: Picture Styles which do you use and why?

    Which do you use and why?
    1.Nikon d200

    Why? Shooting RAW and editing in Lightroom allows me to select ANY camera style in post-processing, and its easy done. Just go to the Camera Calibration panel and select the style required- The selection of styles is only possible for RAW images-
    (The Lightroom default is "Adobe Standard" and the 'D2X Modes' refer to Nikon camera "Styles" and not a camera model. Different camera brands will show different styles.)
    The next step in Lightroom is to create a preset using each style so it becomes ultra-easy to start any editing with a style.
    If you are editing a JPG then the camera style has been set (embedded!).

    Here are my choices for RAW images with 'Nikon' styles-

    Picture Styles which do you use and why?

    Here is the choice for a JPG image.

    Picture Styles which do you use and why?

    Here is my choices for a RAW image taken with my Canon G1X

    Picture Styles which do you use and why?

    and if you have been shooting portraits all day, how easy is it to preset an image with "Camera Portrait" style and sync it to many images. Or better still apply a "style" preset when importing to Lightroom.
    Why would you want to shoot JPG and only be locked into the one chosen style?
    Ahhhh! Decisions, decisions- so much for us to learn!

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