After a long, long,...oh, so very long....Winter poised at the window, waiting for a small bird to fly and pose within range of my telephoto, I have broken out!
I went camping last weekend in NW Wisconsin in pursuit of the warblers as they came up against Lake Superior. The only fly in the ointment was that I had passed the head of the migrating birds and found ice was still sticking around in the shadows!
log encased in ice
The 400mm telephoto got some rest and the 17-50mm was finally called into service. I purchased this lens last Christmas and never had a real opportunity to work with it. The drought that has plagued this area has relented in typical Midwestern fashion with an excess of late snow storms and unseasonably cold and wet weather. Pattison State Park features a pair of waterfalls just to the south of Lake Superior.
Big Manitou Falls are the 4th largest east of the Mississippi
Black River rapids
Little Manitou Falls
Having taken the obligatory "falls" shots, I moved to another perspective to my shots of wildflowers
Emerging Fiddleheads
Large Flowered Trillium
I broke out the macro for old time sake
I could not break away completely from the telephoto
Marsh Buttercup, I would have a very wet bottom if I had used the macro
ever heard of a 400mm macro?
American Redstart
Blackburnian Warbler
Least Flycatcher
Scarlet Tanager