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Thread: Editing systems

  1. #1
    New Member afbainbridge's Avatar
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    Anthony Bainbridge

    Editing systems

    I'd welcome some advice, from more experienced post-processors than I, on the best off-the-shelf system to purchase for home editing. I have a Nikon D90 and have recently purchased a Sigma 105mm 1:2.8 macro lens to use with it. I am a dipterist and will be shooting small to very small insects. I have of course Nikon ViewNX, which when I've fully mastered it will no doubt enable me to do some fine things, and for quick tweaks can use Picasa. But what are the top people out there using - and will I need to sell the house to buy it?

    I shall no doubt be asking later for hints and tips on shooting macro, both indoors, using pinned specimens, and outdoors - I've a long way to go. But let's start with the above.

    Anthony Bainbridge

  2. #2
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Editing systems

    Hi Anthony,

    The best editing options depend on what you shoot as well as personal preference, but I also do a log of macros of insects -- I actually know what a dipterist is! -- so my editing may be relevant.

    I find that I rarely need the power of photoshop, or another pixel editor, for my insect shots. I find that for the large majority of them, the editing tools in Lightroom are sufficient. Lightroom is a good raw converter and also provides an excellent database system for keeping track of your images, and at least for now, you can buy it with a perpetual license, without the new <expletive deleted> "creative cloud" monthly subscription system. LR has excellent exposure and tonality controls, a good sharpening tool, and good noise reduction. It has fairly good local adjustments using an adjustment brush, but no selections. It's editing is entirely nondestructive and reversable. It has an excellent print module.

    For additional depth of field, you may end up doing image stacking. There are several packages in wide use, but I and quite a number of other macro photographers use Zerene for this.

    Finally, you probably will in some cases need a pixel editor for more refined adjustments. I use Photoshop, but I no longer recommend it, because while it is IMHO the best, it is very expensive compared to the alternatives (more so now that one can buy it only on a subscription) and more than many people need. Photoshop Elements and Corel Paint Shop Pro are much cheaper alternatives, and Gimp is free.


  3. #3
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Editing systems

    Excellent summary, Dan, IMHO of course.

  4. #4
    Glenn NK's Avatar
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    Re: Editing systems

    Read Dan's post.

  5. #5
    New Member afbainbridge's Avatar
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    Anthony Bainbridge

    Re: Editing systems


    Many thanks for a very informative and helpful answer. It gives me a good basis for moving forward. I will look at Lightroom - hopefully a a one-off buy. So standby for some results, pre- and post- processing, and some puzzled cries for help from time to time. In fact this weekend has been a learning curve - I've found myself lying on my stomach on the lawn using my macro lens on the larvae of fresh-water beetles in my pond, and on very small and mobile water boatmen. Why do I do these things?


  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Re: Editing systems

    If you do take a close look at LR, keep in mind that you can purchase a license for a reduced price of only $100 ending June 8.

  7. #7
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Editing systems

    Why do I do these things?
    I may be the wrong one to ask:

    Editing systems

  8. #8
    New Member afbainbridge's Avatar
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    Anthony Bainbridge

    Re: Editing systems

    Er.... I take your point. But I'm age 70 and just beginning... Brilliant picture, by the way.

  9. #9
    New Member afbainbridge's Avatar
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    Re: Editing systems


    Could you tell me where you saw this offer? I presume I should not buy direct from Adobe; Amazon have an offer at about £95, but nowhere could I find mention of your $100.


  10. #10

    Join Date
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    Re: Editing systems

    The discounted price may be available only from Adobe and perhaps only in the U.S.:

  11. #11

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    Re: Editing systems

    To find out about buying from Wilts., you can go to the link above and chat with an agent. It should be OK for on-line delivery, IMHO.

    Personally, I am beginning to dislike Adobe, even tho' their stuff is the de facto standard.

    Used to live near Swindon in the 50's, Antony. Am now a naturalized Texan, yee-hah . .

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