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Thread: My attempts at my school carnival.

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Abuja, Nigeria.
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    My attempts at my school carnival.

    Please take a look at these pictures and please tell me what went right and most importantly wrong. All were shot with my canon 1000d and 18-55mm kit lens.
    Thank you.
    My attempts at my school carnival.


    My attempts at my school carnival.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Ottawa, Canada
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    Manfred Mueller

    Re: My attempts at my school carnival.

    Hi Ife - I would watch both my composition and my post-processing. On the first image, you are facing a problem where two individuals (dressed in white) are up against a bright sky background which does not work well at all.

    My attempts at my school carnival.

    A tighter crop with just the background of the stage cleans up things a bit in addition to working on the exposure, vibrance, clarity and black values gives the shot a bit more "pop", but it is still not a great image. At a second level, I would just get in for a tighter crop.

    My attempts at my school carnival.

    My attempts at my school carnival.

    A similar issue on the second image; too much stuff that does not add to the image, but a tight crops focuses in on the subject.

    My attempts at my school carnival.

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