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Thread: Vivid Festival Sydney 2013

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Sydney. AU
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    Vivid Festival Sydney 2013

    I have had the absolute pleasure of working on this years Sydney Vivid Festival of light, so I thought I might share some images from my last week there.

    The first week I got lots of what I thought were decent shots of the really amazing installations around the one I am working on. (As Tech on duty I have to be in line of sight of our installation at all times) But while I was processing them I came to the conclusion that they looked like the other gazillion shots of cliched bright lights in the big city as the ones in the link above, so I set my self a brief so to speak to capture people enjoying our art work.

    The images below are my favorites and I would appreciate C&C on them so maybe I can get some cleaner shots this weekend.

    A little background,,
    The installation consists of a tunnel with 100m2 of low res LED screen under hung from a steel frame with about 100mm pixel pitch as can be seen in image one. People walk through the tunnel on their way to see other attractions

    The "Screen" is fed video content and live interactive feeds so colour and intensity change very rapidly, although the tunnel can appear very bright on the occasion that it hits "open white" All LEDS on 100%.. It is more a case of the high colour temp making people believe it is as bright as it is. On top of that there are street lamps at either end with God knows what colour lamps in them. So getting usable images has been a struggle, for this amateur anyway..

    All shots EOS550D 55-250 EFS Kit lense, Aperture priority, Auto ISO. AWB.

    Vivid Festival Sydney 2013
    Focal length - 55mm; 1/80 sec; f/5.0; ISO 3200; Evaluative metering.

    Vivid Festival Sydney 2013
    Focal length - 100mm; 1/125sec; f/5.0; ISO 6400; Evaluative metering.

    Vivid Festival Sydney 2013
    Focal length - 55.0mm; 1/50 sec; ISO 6400, Evaluative metering.

    Vivid Festival Sydney 2013
    Focal length - 55.0mm; 1/60 sec; ISO 6400; Evaluative metering.

    Thanks in advance..

    Last edited by Rob Ekins; 6th June 2013 at 12:22 AM. Reason: EXIF Request

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Lake Ambulalakaw, Mt. Pulag, Benguet
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    Victor Nimitz

    Re: Vivid Festival Sydney 2013

    Hi Robbie,

    Hey, cool night shots.

    May you please post photo info/exif.


  3. #3
    kdoc856's Avatar
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    Re: Vivid Festival Sydney 2013


    these are very good. I particularly like #s 2 and 4. Shooting through any kind of fence-like material is just hard- hard to ignore, impossible to remove adequately.

    I don't think you need to do anything different, just keep shooting and expect these circumstances will make your throwaway to keeper ratio skyrocket- just the price of the ticket for those lighting conditions.

    I look forward to you bring back another batch.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Lake Ambulalakaw, Mt. Pulag, Benguet
    Real Name
    Victor Nimitz

    Re: Vivid Festival Sydney 2013

    Thanks for sharing the exif Robbie.

    Despite the ISO6400, still crispy.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Sydney. AU
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    Re: Vivid Festival Sydney 2013

    I am glad you like them, I have edited the post to show the EXIF data.

    Thanks for the encouragement. We have four bus loads of kids coming on Friday night, many of whom have never been to the big smoke before... so hopefully I can get some shots showing their excitement.


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