Industrial architecture will never be widely popular; but you have managed the exposure and composition well with this scene.
An interesting photo. It's a good industrial shot although part of me misses the top of the closer chimney. But if you'd included all the chimney, everything else would presumably have to be smaller, including the people on the beach. The beach and sunbathers make an interesting juxtaposition with the industrial centre of the photo.
Thanks Geoff.
Hi Bruce. Thanks for your comment. I agree with you over losing the top part of the smoke stack. Unfortunately, as you point out that capturing it would change the image.
I came across this scene last Saturday. I have to admit I was initially blown away by a county building a park and a beach next to this structure. However, the more time I spent walking along the beach the more I came to like its location.
I think maybe it would look good in monochrome.
Interesting Karm, The B&W version totally changes the feel of the image for me.
The colour version seems a lot more pleasant, people enjoying family time at the beach, oblivious to the monolith over their shoulder.
The B&W seem more ominous, Industry on the march to stamp us gentle folk out
Both good images.
Cheers, Greg
Greg, you are so right. Never thought of your interpretation. I did the BW version more as an afterthought. In the color version industry and nature seem to be coexisting -- even if nature is being driven to the margin -- while in the BW version, like you say, it's just matter of time before what's left of nature will be consumed.
Bruce, thanks for looking. I agree with your comment.
Both very nice images. I do prefer the color version for its pleasant feel.
Jon, thanks.
Hi Karm - The industrial structure sure dwarfs the people at the beach! Very nice yin-yang image...
Thanks Susan. Happy you noticed this aspect of the image: "industrial structure sure dwarfs the people ..."
Karm, have you considered adding your own 'top' to the smoke stack that's incomplete?
Robert I haven't considered your suggestion. The software I currently use (LR4 and Nik products) would not allow me to do what you are suggesting (I think). Please suggest to me how you would fit a top.
Thanks Robert. I could do that move. Didn't consider it. I can't decide whether I like it or not. Great suggestion.