Hey, Christina. You nailed the technicals on these. Also got nice catch lights in every one except the one with the wing in front of the eye (a no-no after you start to build a bit of a portfolio by the way). Good job on the sharpening too. You didn't mention how long your lens was. It looks like your DOF was about as flat as you could go for that size bird (in the second shot it looks like the backside wingtip was just at the edge of DOF).
IMO the fourth shot is the strongest image. Bird is in a great position, is coming toward the camera, got the catch light in the eye, you nailed it, and the BG is far enough away to be blurred nicely. I know PP isn't your favorite thing but this is an example where it could make a difference. I suggest trying de-saturating and lowering the brightness in the upper left corner. The bright colors in an otherwise neutral image draw the eye. You want to keep people focused (no pun intended) on your BIF, not on the abstract BG.
The third shot is my next fave. The bird is in a silly position, the green is well exposed on the head, it looks like the duck is looking straight at you, and the techs are good again.
Yes that is a turkey vulture (aka buzzard) not a hawk. No comment on the buzzard