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Thread: Red wall

  1. #1
    kaskais's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Real Name
    Fernando Cascais

    Red wall

    Red wall

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2008
    Pittsburgh PA, St. Augustine FL

    Re: Red wall

    well I enjoy kaskais playing with shapes and colors as in this picture....

    I especially enjoy where he creates a spark or question......

    To comment on this picture, I must first figure out why, it is what it I played with the image with the idea to change size or add another element.......

    I am attaching my efforts instead of overall it (the image seemed so simple which probably is the intent)...I then added a little white balance, a crop and secondly a fade to white.....

    Obviously the image got my attention..ans so was successful....

    Red wall

  3. #3

    Re: Red wall

    a child can take a better pic than this mrkaskais in fact a blind man, can take a much better pic than this mrkaskais......

  4. #4
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Red wall

    Kaskais hardly ever posts a picture that is not thought provoking in some way, and whilst I can see why it doesn't appeal to Taken, a lot of famous art thats equally thought provoking and critically acclaimed doesn't appeal to everyone either. (Warhol, Dali, Emmin etc)

    The difference here is that there is 'intent' in Kaskais's actions (as opposed to a child) and the subject is deliberately positioned out of frame. I was surprised to see actually how few pictures Kaskais has posted, yet has clearly created his signature look that I for one, will remember for a long time.

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