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Thread: Is automatic sensor cleaning necessary?

  1. #1

    Is automatic sensor cleaning necessary?

    Consider following two cameras.

    EOS 1100D + 18-55 + 55-250 IS MK II ~= $465

    Nikon D3100 + 18-55 + 70-300mm ~= $550 and

    Though Canon EOS 1100D is more economic, one shortcoming I found is the lack of automatic sensor cleaning. I am totally new to interchangeable lens cameras. For a beginner like me, is it inevitable to have an automatic sensor cleaner? Does the sensor really get dust in first 5 years of use?

    Will the sensor pick dust only while changing lens? If I am changing lens sitting in my room only, will it grab dust?
    Last edited by Lijo; 7th June 2013 at 12:16 PM.

  2. #2
    tomdinning's Avatar
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    Re: Is automatic sensor cleaning necessary?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lijo View Post
    Consider following two cameras.

    EOS 1100D + 18-55 + 55-250 IS MK II ~= $465

    Nikon D3100 + 18-55 + 70-300mm ~= $550 and

    Though Canon EOS 1100D is more economic, one shortcoming I found is the lack of automatic sensor cleaning. I am totally new to interchangeable lens cameras. For a beginner like me, is it inevitable to have an automatic sensor cleaner? Does the sensor really get dust in first 5 years of use?
    The short answer is NO. The long answer is NO. It's the first part of regular cleaning but has limited success, especially in the dusty tropical climate where I live.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Is automatic sensor cleaning necessary?

    Is it necessary; no. Is it a useful feature, yes.

    I do use this feature and it seems to do a reasonable job of reducing, although certainly not eliminating sensor dust. To me, this is just preventative maintenance. If the sensor is cleaned regularly, it reduces the amount of dust that accumulates, meaning that I will have less cleanup in post.

  4. #4

    Re: Is automatic sensor cleaning necessary?

    Will the sensor pick dust only while changing lens? If I am changing lens sitting in my room only, will it grab dust?

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Is automatic sensor cleaning necessary?

    Dust and other contaminants can enter the mirror chamber when changing lenses, regardless of where you are working. A clean environment is going to reduce the risk, but will not eliminate it. Once dirt of a contaminant gets into the mirror chamber, it does not mean that it will get onto the sensor, but the liklihood increases over time.

    I got some contamination from a damaged lens mount into the mirror chamber shortly after I bought my DSLR, and some of it did not show up until months later.

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Is automatic sensor cleaning necessary?

    Whether you have automatic sensor cleaning or not (I agee with Manfred that it is helpful but, not required) I would check the sensor for dust at regular intervals and expecially before any "IMPORTANT" shoot! I am checking my sensors before my trip to Europe. By the way, both my cameras have automatic dust reduction but, I still check...

  7. #7
    Glenn NK's Avatar
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    Re: Is automatic sensor cleaning necessary?

    I like all the answers given because I think they are right.

    My 30D does not have sensor cleaning, and I don't have to clean it any more than I do the 5DII which HAS sensor cleaning.

    Which is interesting.

    As is Manfred's comment about non exterior "dirt" from a damage lens mount. We often think of "dust bunnies" coming from outside the mirror box, so let me ask, "why do you change the oil in your car's engine?" Because engines wear the and bits of wear stuff are in the oil.

    The moving parts of a camera (shutter, mirror) do wear and they are right where the sensor is - so the "wear bits" end up on the sensor. There's another way of putting this but it's not polite.

    Last edited by Glenn NK; 7th June 2013 at 05:24 PM.

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