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Thread: New Lumix?

  1. #1

    New Lumix?

    I have a Lumix DMC-FZ35 that is about 5-6 years old. It has served me quite well but like most guys with a camera, I havve the urge fro a new one. Consumer Reports rates the Lumix DMC-ZS30 highest the super zoom category. Will I notice a significant difference if I buy the new one?

  2. #2
    inkista's Avatar
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    Re: New Lumix?

    Just me, but if you haven't played with any new camera in the last 3 years, yes, the sensor performance improvement will be significant. The high ISO performance of the smaller sensors has increased a lot in the last three years, and (to my eye), iso 1600 is actually usable on 1/2.3" format sensors. But I may be more tolerant of noise than most folks having shot a lot of film back in the day.

    I'd recommend bringing a memory card along and playing with one in a bricks'n'mortar store to see.

    Of course, as a micro 4/3 shooter, I'd also recommend considering switching to an even bigger format camera and interchangeable lenses if you really want to upgrade, (the GX1 is insanely cheap these days).... but probably not what you're looking for.

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: New Lumix?

    Before purchasing a new or newer camera, I usually ask myself what can't my present camera do for me that the newer one is capable of? Sometimes there is a significant difference between the cameras and it is a no brainer to upgrade.

    I never change cameras because my present camera is not achieving decent results. To quote a Nikon executive, "If you are shooting with any modern DSLR camera and are not getting excellent results; it is not the fault of the camera."

    I'd make a list (mental or written) of what I want to achieve with the upgrade and then look into the capabilities of the new camera. That appears to be what you are doing now.

    Of course, there are times in life that we purchase something just because we want it. As long as the purchase doesn't impact our living style, that is also, IMO, a valid reason for buying something new. If you can afford and want a Ferrari, why drive a Ford Focus? If you can afford and want a Rolex warch, why wear a Timex, even though the Timex can kep pretty good time?

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: New Lumix?

    I my self don't put much stock in reviews. What works best for one person may not be right for another. We have said it many times here at CiC it's always best if you can to go to your local store and just play around with the item your thinking of if they have it. With that said you have to ask your self where are you going in this hobby and will I out grow what I want very soon or not. Micro 4/3 cameras are very popular these days being small, lightweight and bring able to change the lens is a plus. Also the image quality and features on these 4/3 cameras are on par of a DSLR now..

  5. #5

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    Re: New Lumix?

    Unless you really need the long zoom of a bridge camera you will find that MFT, my choice was to stay with Panasonic , will deliver much better results and flexibility and can be cropped to equal the result of the long lens bridge, which isn't 'that' long at x24 particularly when you find it starts from a wider angle.... I don't know the 30 or 35 as they are 'small FZs' and I kept to the 'large FZs' ....20/30/50 until the LFZs developed in ways I didn't like.

    I have kept my FZ50 and Raynox 2020, [ 950mm AoV at effectively f/4.5 though at only 100 ISO for IQ reasons] though so far have had no use for the combination ... that said, possibly my rig of MFT plus x10 zoom could well be out of your price bracket but the best I could find for a 'larger sensored bridge camera'. The fact that it is an ILC doesn't mean I change lenses and I simply do not I survived with just 280mm AoV and took great as well as dud photos when using my original Nikon 5700 bridge camera ... that was me not the camera .. with the same reach.

    If you do go MFT do not get a EVF less model if you also intend to put a longish lens on it, and believe me the clip-on EVF while working very well just don't feel right to me, I have one of them also in my stable

    Final note on changing cameras ... I recently gave my, admittedly old, DSLR away now I have MFT
    Last edited by jcuknz; 9th June 2013 at 09:49 PM.

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