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Thread: Another turtle for Matt

  1. #1
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Another turtle for Matt

    Matt, I finally got up the nerve to try lying down on the ground again..

    This time around it was a turtle and just like the Mother goose as soon as I lay down he/she proceeded to charge me so it was hard to nail the focus, but I learned about blurring backgrounds. Thank you for that.

    Another turtle for Matt

    Another turtle for Matt

    Another turtle for Matt

    I'll be trying that again.... (even though onlookers thought I was odd)

    PS Different colours from trying to figure out WB...

  2. #2
    Downrigger's Avatar
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    Re: Another turtle for Matt

    Neat. Someone ought to start making knee pads for nature photographers.

  3. #3

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    Re: Another turtle for Matt

    A turtle charging? I guess I am going to have to get that new Nikkor 800mm and put 2X on it so that I can stay back at a safe distance.



  4. #4
    Suzan J's Avatar
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    Re: Another turtle for Matt

    Hi Christina: These are quite interesting shots. I cannot say that I have ever encountered a turtle on that level before. The expressions are quite compelling. For what it's worth, my opinion on the white balance would tend to lean toward the warmer look in Number 2 rather than the cool version. I might dial down the yellow just a tad. When I think of turtles (which is probably only rarely) I envision a warm, humid, summer type of environment. Fun shots.

  5. #5

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    Re: Another turtle for Matt

    Getting down - that is good. Always do that if possible.

    Knee pads - gardener mats will work. For pads, Costco's has a huge variety to choose from.

    I have the lot but they remain in the car.

  6. #6
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Another turtle for Matt

    Thank you to all for your comments. Allan, animals like me so perhaps the turtle just wanted to get closer. I'll skip the knee pads... as I looked silly enough already

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on WB... I always struggle with getting it right.

    Here are some warmer versions..

    Another turtle for Matt

    Another turtle for Matt

  7. #7

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    Re: Another turtle for Matt

    Yes Christina- as I have found out "the getting down to photograph is easy, the getting up - not so much" --great pictures--mary

  8. #8

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    Re: Another turtle for Matt

    Very, very nice, Christina. Your photography is getting better and better.

  9. #9

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    Re: Another turtle for Matt

    Nice work, Christina. I particularly like the third one, the profile view. It seems pleased with itself for having routed you

  10. #10
    FlyingSquirrel's Avatar
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    Re: Another turtle for Matt

    Christina, these turtle shots are fantastic. Really nice how the turtle is isolated with the soft background. Good, simple compositions with no distracting elements (less the stick in the last shot). I'm glad you got the nerve to lay down for the low angle shots again, as it works great with these; and as you said, now you understand how it helps (aside from the blurred bg effect, it just has a better head on feel to bring you into the animal's world)

    I wear kneepads all the time when I'm out shooting pics. Heck, sometimes I'm out there with camo, kneepads, and whatever, laying on the ground. I don't care what other people think. I just want to do what I enjoy, and get super shots. Don't concern yourself with others on something like that, IMO anyway. Besides, if you look crazy laying on the ground already, what's a little extra embarassment of having some kneepads?

    Was wondering, and I'm sure you probably do use it, you use the continuous focus setting on your camera (in Canon cameras it's called Al Focus)? If you don't use it, you are missing out for wildlife and moving subject shots. And on that note, you should also use back button focus / rear button focus / thumb focus or whatever else you want to call it, if your camera supports that setup.

    I find it interesting that animals move toward you when you get down low; for me they move away. Embrace the gift!

  11. #11
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Another turtle for Matt

    Thank you Matt, and thank you for sharing this technique.

    I think I can tough it out and skip the knee pads, but if it turns out I need them for sure.. Agreed.... Anything for the shot and when you look like a fool already, why not go all the way with the look.

    I do use continuous focusing... I have yet to try back button focusing on my D80. I will look it up to see how it works on a Nikon D80, and try it. Thank you for sharing that.

    I will embrace the gift but if you don't see me again it may mean that I was devoured by a goose

  12. #12
    FlyingSquirrel's Avatar
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    Re: Another turtle for Matt

    Quote Originally Posted by Christina S View Post
    Thank you Matt, and thank you for sharing this technique.

    I think I can tough it out and skip the knee pads, but if it turns out I need them for sure.. Agreed.... Anything for the shot and when you look like a fool already, why not go all the way with the look.
    Exactly. Now you're speaking my language

    Quote Originally Posted by Christina S View Post
    I do use continuous focusing... I have yet to try back button focusing on my D80. I will look it up to see how it works on a Nikon D80, and try it. Thank you for sharing that.
    Along with some other photographers, I'm pretty fanatical about BBF. Once you understand how it works, and what the proper uses/strengths are of it, you will love it. It is easy to learn, IMO. Took me a few minutes to get used to it, and I never went back.

    Quote Originally Posted by Christina S View Post
    I will embrace the gift but if you don't see me again it may mean that I was devoured by a goose
    LOL! Here you are talking about getting eaten by a goose, and recently I was talking about the possibility of me getting pounced on by a mountain lion. What have we come to?!

    Ok, ok, I will let this die...

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