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Thread: Fuji X20 or X100 ( original not 100s)

  1. #1
    Daisy Mae's Avatar
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    Fuji X20 or X100 ( original not 100s)

    Anyone have these and would you give me your views.

    Looking for a 'street camera' to go with my DSLR's and compact and am very tempted by the Ricoh Expert with Aps- CMOS sensor

    but...Fuji X series is well thought of as a street camera.

    I would love to hear more about the Fuji X series from anyone who owns one....can't afford the X100s at the moment but could stretch to the X100 and obviously the X20. I already own ( and love) a little Ricoh CX5 P&S which has all manner of foibles but is a wonderful wee camera that punches well above its weight so am tempted to stay brand loyal to Ricoh but still gathering info.

    Top budget...£700....hard saved for I might add so I need to get my choice right.



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    Re: Fuji X20 or X100 ( original not 100s)

    Sharon, I love to help you out; however I am a photographer who uses Nikon equipment. I do know that no matter what camera you eventually obtain you will continue to make good photographs.


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    Re: Fuji X20 or X100 ( original not 100s)

    Sharon, I use a Fuji X Pro camera and there is no doubting the quality of their lenses. The X 20 uses the same type of sensor albeit smaller which has an effect on quality but it is still rated. One word of warning though, if you post process using Photoshop or Lightroom, you will need CS6 or Lightroom 4 to process RAW images. ADOBE's DNG converter will work but the resulting images show a tiled effect at if you crop significantly. Fuji's own Silkypix works quite well but I find it very user unfriendly. The X100 doesn't have the same problem. Pros and cons between the two cameras - the X100 has a fixed focal length lens but a larger standard sensor. The X20 has the smaller but Xpro1 style sensor and has a zoom lens. The X20 is slightly smaller but both are street manageable. There are plenty of reviews around but the following two sites have examples of work using both.

  4. #4
    Daisy Mae's Avatar
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    Re: Fuji X20 or X100 ( original not 100s)

    Bruce..thank you so much

    John.. thank you so much for those links.

  5. #5
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Fuji X20 or X100 ( original not 100s)

    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy Mae View Post
    Anyone have these and would you give me your views. Looking for a 'street camera' to go with my DSLR's and compact . . .
    I used an x100 two weeks ago. Personally, I liked it. The aspects I liked most were (in no particular order):

    • super quiet shutter
    • leaf shutter
    • unobtrusive (more so without the lens hood)
    • convenient and well laid out, solid controls
    • firm and solid build, generally
    • easy to shoot viewfinder with either hand and inverted; hipshot and hail-Mary
    • fast and high quality lens
    • good (quality) ISO range


  6. #6
    Daisy Mae's Avatar
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    Re: Fuji X20 or X100 ( original not 100s)

    Bill.....thanks for that.

    I have read some reviews that suggest the focus was a bit problematic...clunky and lapsed and that some of the controls were badly placed .I know there were many issues adressed in the upgrade to X100 S..sadly am not a rich girl and would need to go with the X20 ( perfected from the X10) or x100 with it's original gliches.

    Did you check out the specs on the Ricoh Expert that I linked to? What do you reckon to that in comparison?



    This is the sort of pic I make so it is not exactly clear to me as to which street camera would be best suited..!

    One Man and his dog hit the art.
    Last edited by Daisy Mae; 12th June 2013 at 10:59 PM. Reason: ETA

  7. #7
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Fuji X20 or X100 ( original not 100s)

    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy Mae View Post
    I have read some reviews that suggest the focus was a bit problematic...clunky and lapsed and that some of the controls were badly placed .I know there were many issues adressed in the upgrade to X100 S..sadly am not a rich girl and would need to go with the X20 ( perfected from the X10) or x100 with it's original gliches. Did you check out the specs on the Ricoh Expert that I linked to? What do you reckon to that in comparison?
    I used the x100 because I have been researching the x100s for a few months. I am frustrated that I cannot get my hands on an x100s.
    I wasn’t really seeking out the x100, but it was on a clearance sale at a big “super store” which sells everything from pop up toasters with 7 zillion slots to hairdryers that make milkshakes and have wifi.

    The x100 was just begging me to go in and try it – so I did.
    In my research I have read many reviews etc., of the x100; x100s and a reasonable look at the xPro Series, also I had a cursory glance at the x10 and x20, but these last two do not hold my interest at all.

    The x100 viewfinder was clean and crisp the AF was fast enough for what would term “mostly all street work”: however IF one were using it for low, soft diffused light portraiture at large apertures and shooting tight - then yes - I expect one might find the AF frustrating to make the shot one wanted – but it would be doable.

    In this regard comparing my experience with the reviews that mention the AF was “problematic” as you put it – I expect those reviewers might not have had to use any rangefinder camera, in very low light.

    Perhaps also the reviewers were being super critical of a tool out of the normal context of why one would buy the tool and how generally it would be used: for example the AF on the EF 50/1.2L can be “problematic” in various conditions, also: the EF50/1.0L much more so.

    Apropos “clunky” I assume that means “searching” - well, yes, I could make the x100 AF search: but again I can make 1 Series DSLRs do that, too.

    The AF is reported to be (much) better in the x100s. I expect it is better. And that is one reason why I took the opportunity to use the x100 so I had some comparison between the two: considering the x100 here are selling “on sale” at many outlets now – the x100 is becoming more appealing to me, though I am not swayed yet.

    I believe that the buttons and dials layout is just about the same on the x100 as on the x100s, however, except the AF is moved: there are a couple of other minor changes. The AF being moved wouldn't bother me, just means using different fingers, sometimes.

    As I mentioned I liked the layout: it makes sense to me – I would like the comments regarding the controls being poorly placed to be expanded – did the reviewer state why the controls were poorly placed?

    As I stated, I found one using the camera in either hand and one-handed, inverted, hip and hail mary shooting were all most intuitive, my thumb was able to span the rear of the camera easily to get to the LH buttons and the camera was small enough to be inverted in one hand and back again quite easily: it is very slim, not “chunky” that makes it a breeze to manipulate one-handed.

    You might dislike the layout of the x100, I think it best to go get your hands on one and try it for yourself.

    I have not used the Ricoh.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy Mae View Post
    This is the sort of pic I make so it is not exactly clear to me as to which street camera would be best suited
    It is not the end result or the sub-genre of street work that determines the type of tool best suited to use: it is the techniques one uses to get the result, which determines the tool best suited to use.

    I suggest that you consider your shooting technique and not the outcomes of it.

    Last edited by William W; 13th June 2013 at 12:08 AM.

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    Re: Fuji X20 or X100 ( original not 100s)

    Be careful of the reviews. Some of them are a bit long I the tooth in relative terms. Fuji have gained a reputation over the last few months for listening to their customer base and over several upgrades to their firmware and in the design of the X20, have vastly improved some of the initial shortcomings. The X20 is now considered to have one of the fastest auto focus capabilities and compares to the Olympus. The beauty of the two links I gave you is that they provide access to a body of hands on experience. In review terms, most of it is unscientific but it is in context e.g. street or landscape photographers giving you their views of the capability of a given camera in the context of what they specialise in. Bill hits the nail on the head when he says it's horses for courses. It took time to get used to my X Pro because it is different but the X Pro is the camera I now pick up first if I'm leaving the house for a couple of hours. However, I would not even try to use it for nature or say contact sport. It would cope (with difficulty) but an SLR is so much better. But as Bill says, go handle the cameras and see for yourself.

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    Re: Fuji X20 or X100 ( original not 100s)

    Hi Sharon,
    Since I'm interested in that matter too, I would like to ask you why haven't you considred the Canon G1X
    I'm told it works very well and seems to me it has more or less all that is needed...

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    Re: Fuji X20 or X100 ( original not 100s)

    My wife looked carefully at the X100 late last year, and we borrowed one to use on a trip to Germany. She did not buy it in the end but that was no criticism of the camera as her father gave her his Leica M9 and so for various reasons she has taken to using that alongside our Canon gear.

    I have read a few reviews of the X100 and criticisms of focus speed, handling etc are in my view unfounded. The focus is on a par or better than similar sized cameras with similar capabilities (we had a Leica X1 and X2 for a while, both bought used and both sold at a profit). The X100 outperformed both. IQ is very good within the limits of the camera. My wife is a better photographer than me (better eye, more discriminating) and she has achieved some fine shots, including indoors or dim street scenes in relatively low light (Christmas markets for example). Family shots were all very acceptable. She does not do formal work such as portraits other than with the DSLR, for which the 70-200 f2.8 is now our tool of choice. Different game to the Fuji.

    This camera, like all tools, is a compromise of price, size, sensor and so on. Within its niche it is excellent, well made and increasingly attractively priced. Ideal as an everyday camera for those who do not wish to lug lenses about. I actually preferred the (much more expensive for no good reason) Leica X2 for handling, but this is just a personal thing and I would be happy with either. I agree with Bill's remarks.


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    Re: Fuji X20 or X100 ( original not 100s)

    Incidentally in current tests in camera mags, Ricoh GR at around 6/10's of the price of the X100S is getting better reviews. This puts it close to X100 in price for a camera that may be better. No viewfinder though.

  12. #12
    Daisy Mae's Avatar
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    Re: Fuji X20 or X100 ( original not 100s)

    Quote Originally Posted by Adrian View Post
    Incidentally in current tests in camera mags, Ricoh GR at around 6/10's of the price of the X100S is getting better reviews. This puts it close to X100 in price for a camera that may be better. No viewfinder though.
    The very one I have my eye on has impressive stats and history.

    Thanks everyone for your input which I really appreciate and I will consider carefully all aspects raised before making my choice.

    Nicola...good question! I don't know why I didn't factor it intothe search but thank you for drawing it to my I have even more choices to consider!!!

    but it is a little bigger than I would like for a street camera.

  13. #13
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Fuji X20 or X100 ( original not 100s)

    Some shots with a X100 I used on a trip to London - London - X100 Style

    It has to be one of my all time favourite cameras. Quite apart from the styling which appeals greatly, I love the hybrid viewfinder, I love the fixed lens and the way it makes you work for every shot, I love the simple Aperture/Shutter Speed/Exposure Compensation control, I love the 'Fuji' colours it produces and I love the way the highlights roll off gently as they blow giving images a beautiful feel to them....I could go on but you get the idea.
    It is not for everyone, those brought up on modern DSLR's may find it too quirky and it won't perform as fast as a SLR will but if you spend the time to learn it the results can be spectacular.

  14. #14
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    Re: Fuji X20 or X100 ( original not 100s)

    I was just about to commit myself to the X100.......................... when the reviews for the Ricoh GR Expert started to appear.

    Anyone interested in street photography should have a wee look at this.

  15. #15
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    Re: Fuji X20 or X100 ( original not 100s)

    I bought an X10 after my Canon G10 bit the dust.

    All I can say is that it is the best fun camera I have used since the days of film.

    I know that is totally unscientific but I have loved using mine.

    It's even been to the Arctic with me and worked faultlessly down to -32C which I was amazed at.

    And they tell me the x20 is even better...

    I wish I could justify buying a new one.

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    Re: Fuji X20 or X100 ( original not 100s)

    Nice camera the Ricoh but 28mm is a bit too wide for street photography while the lack of a viewfinder could still make the X100 a better choice.

  17. #17
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    Re: Fuji X20 or X100 ( original not 100s)

    Quote Originally Posted by black pearl View Post
    Nice camera the Ricoh but 28mm is a bit too wide for street photography while the lack of a viewfinder could still make the X100 a better choice.
    I have a Ricoh just now Robin and although it has 10x zoom I have always use it at 28mm and one click on The GDR Expert and you are looking at 35mm....very tempting. Also, I am uncertain that the viewfinder is a bonus at street level as shooting with it makes you more obvious. Again the Ricoh has an optional viewfinder you can add if you choose.

    Gary..thank you for your post.I have heard so many good things about the X10 and i know it has it's devotees. The X20 looks to have refined it and kept all the lovely design features.

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