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Thread: Portraits. what to improve?

  1. #1

    Portraits. what to improve?

    learning to make portraits. what can i improve? what i did wrong? will be happy to hear any opinions. thanks in advance.

    Portraits. what to improve?
    Portraits. what to improve?
    Portraits. what to improve?
    Portraits. what to improve?
    Portraits. what to improve?
    Portraits. what to improve?

  2. #2
    Digital's Avatar
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    Re: Portraits. what to improve?

    IMHO these photographs are really good.


  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Portraits. what to improve?

    Each has their own merits and your variation in technique will appeal to some and not others. If you present this as a portfolio I am sure potential customers will tell you what they like and don't like. Good stuff, love the eyes in 3, 4, and 5.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: Portraits. what to improve?

    Hey, coool shots.

    Just that seems there's too much eye-whites in #3 & 4.

    Otherwise, all of them rocks.

    just me.......
    Last edited by nimitzbenedicto; 14th June 2013 at 12:41 AM.

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Portraits. what to improve?

    Beautifully composed and processed. I probably would have gotten the models to centre their eyes more in shots 2, 3 & possibly 4.

    There are some minor issues with shadows and contouring that I might have cleaned up a bit in post.

  6. #6

    Re: Portraits. what to improve?

    thanks for all your opinions.
    yup kinda too much white in eyes.
    There are some minor issues with shadows and contouring that I might have cleaned up a bit in post.
    may i ask for more details please?

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Re: Portraits. what to improve?

    Vey good! Well done!

    My only concern is getting the skin tone right with accurate WB.
    The lady in #1 could have a serious liver problem, judging by the colour of her skin.

  8. #8
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Portraits. what to improve?

    Quote Originally Posted by NetNeko View Post
    thanks for all your opinions.
    yup kinda too much white in eyes.

    may i ask for more details please?
    These are some very small niggley things I picked up. Your work is so good, that the very, very minor things might be looked at, depending on how far you want to go in post.

    Image 1 – I would do some minor hair cleanup perhaps. I find that the stray hair camera left a bit distracting and while I were in there, I’d take care of a few strays at the top camera right as well. I assume you did the slightly green colour cast on purpose.

    Image 2- I find the fuzzy hair near the top of her head at camera left a bit distracting. I might also clean up the single strand coming down her forehead. There are a couple of places on her index finger that I might clean up to. There is a dark line just above her bottom knuckle and bit of a strange shadow on her middle knuckle as well.

    I don't know if I really like the way we see a tiny bit of her teeth or not. I might go both ways to see what looks best (with / without).

    Image 3 - the shadow on the left side of her nose looks a bit strange. I would probably lighten that a tiny bit. I’d probably take care of that stray hair on her forehead too.

    Image 4 - I don’t like what the shadow is doing under her lower lip. It looks a bit strange; again a bit of lightening there should help. Looking just to the right of her lips towards her cheek, there is a bit of a strange shadow under her cheek; I would be tempted to blend that a bit too; both of those together make it look like she has a bit of a bruised mouth. Again, there are a few stray hairs that could be cleaned up.

    Image 5 – The middle part of her nose is a bit indistinct and I would probably add a bit of shadow detail here just to tighten things up a tiny bit. I would probably get rid of the bottom camera right eyelash that sticks out a bit.

    Image 6 - I’d clean up the fuzzy hair at the top of her head camera left and might just tone down the bright spot on the camera right eye a tiny bit.

    Last edited by Manfred M; 15th June 2013 at 10:14 PM.

  9. #9

    Re: Portraits. what to improve?

    GrumpyDiver thank you.
    will try not to make same mistakes in the future. so much to think about >.<

  10. #10

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    Re: Portraits. what to improve?

    #5 - I'd get rid of the cord /wire (whatever) in her hair on the right (about level with her mouth). Also, there is a line on her bottom lip - looks like she hasn't applied the lipstick all the way to the edge of the lip. Whatever it is, I would blend it in with the lower skin on the rest of the lip.

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