......... because I am very, very proud of this image and think it is possibly the best I have made.
Is this man mad?
It may not be technically perfect - I'd be interested in your views on that. So what's making me so proud and pleased?
I have sought to promote the idea of images being a narrative. And for me (and it is, I acknowledge, maybe only for me) this encapsulates the western highlands and islands of Scotland. Let me put it this way - If someone asked me to tell them about the western highlands and islands, I'd show them this picture.
Now, of course, that's my take on it. Others who live and visit there, may have a very different picture of that area in their mind. But, as a Highlander, I do claim some local knowledge and understanding. This picture is pure and raw emotion. This picture is my country and who I am.
Canon 40D, Tokina 11-16 f2.8 @ 12 mm. ISO100. 1/15s @f16