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Thread: Ebook versions of. photography books

  1. #1
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Ebook versions of. photography books

    Partly prompted by Mike's last post, has anyone much experience of ebook versions of photography "how to" books? There is obviously not much point on a b&w kindle, where the grahics are poor anyway, but the sample books I've tried reading on my 10" android tablet look quite good. I could see some advantage in working with a tablet alongside my main screen.

    Any thoughts?


  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Ebook versions of. photography books

    I have most of my recent books on my 10" Android tablet; I've even bought one or two duplicates that I have in hard copy. It's just so much more convenient to carry around my library; but frankly I don't particularly like the way that Amazon scales the images (i.e. not at all). I tend to only buy the hard copy if the e-version is not available.
    Last edited by Manfred M; 15th June 2013 at 08:38 PM. Reason: typo correction

  3. #3

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    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    Re: Ebook versions of. photography books

    I self-published an eBook explaining how to use a particular cataloging software, so I am admittedly biased in my thinking that eBooks can be wonderful learning tools. I received lots of raves and not one complaint about the eBook, so I'm not the only person who thinks they can be viable. I still occasionally refer to it myself to look up a particular detail.

    Two particular advantages of an eBook: Unlike almost all bound books, it always lies flat when both of your hands are at your computer. The pages never yellow unless your monitor needs serious calibration.

  4. #4

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    Re: Ebook versions of. photography books

    Hi, Funny this should crop up as I was recently looking for something that would allow me to read Ebooks, be portable, cheap (of course) and easy to use. I was also using a kindle but as a lot of photography books (Ebooks or Hard cover) have colour in them I found it annoying that the kindle was only grey scale. I bought an Android A13 7" only had it for three days and pretty pleased with what I got for the money £40. I will however when this one goes to that electronic site in the sky buy the next one with a larger screen. Just in case someone is wondering how I managed to read an Epub file on an Android I used calibre ebook maker to convert then to Ebooks.

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