After nearly a month of wet and cool weather, the sun has finally emerged. It is time to reap the benefits of all that rain. I drove up to Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge to see what is up and about. I wish I could say that the fields were teaming with birds, but it seems that the bulk of migration has passed. Luckily the birds that did get in range were accommodating and the flowers are abundant.
This Killdeer was a gift, she was literally sitting on the nest in the middle of the parking area. I didn't even have to leave my car
First Monarch of the season, feeding on Hoary Puccoon, Lupine in background
Ant enjoying pollen from a prairie rose
A bit of a severe crop of a Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
I have trying to capture a good image of Yellow Warbler, they are always flitting around in dense foliage
I am quite pleased with this photo of Sandhill Crane
I have obviously been spending too much time with my 400mm, as I had to delve deep in memory to remember how to stack this shot of a Lupine flower