The bird is quite important Andre and so IMHO you could afford a tighter crop to re position it and give it more prominence without loosing the overall feel of the composition.
Andre, I like the sense of isolation and quietness, the way the darkened foreground leads us into the light and reeds. Nicely done.
Hi Andre. I think you've accomplished your goal of capturing the essence and mood of the moment. The image has nice lighting and nice colors. It is a very soothing image.
Thanks Sergio and Ken. Reading your comments I could believe you were there with me when I captured the image. A very tranquil, beautiful moment, all by myself.
Thank you very much. If you can experience that moment with me I have really accomplished my goal.
This is a very tranquil scene which is emphasised for me by the gold of the reeds and deep blue in the foreground. I wonder if it would have possible to zoom in a bit, Andre. There is something on the left side of the horizon that I feel is not part of the natural landscape.
Andre, I like the photo as it is. Although the bird is small, I agree with Didace that it's important. Without the bird, the impressive spaciousness of the scene would be lost.
Andre -this shot is a perfect candidate for a touch of a dark vignette to draw the viewers eyes into the centre of the image.
Thank you All,
Ok,Ok the bird is important - I understand why!
Greg: mine dumps all over the place.
Didace, I will play around with your idea - Thanks.
Manfred, I might try that - Thanks!