Hello, please excuse me for posting a very beginner discussion and if it's been posted before, but i want to start on my photography journey (even already practicing and taking professional looking photographs for families that they would want to order from me). What kind of camera should i go for? And which would be among the best makes and models for me to choose from? and what type of lenses? are there any sites i should look into? My sister already started out as a photographer and she has a Nikon D90, another friend has a Canon D60, another person has a canon T3i. But there are so many brands out there and I'd like to hear everyone's opinion and votes. I'd like to photograph unusual family photos that slightly differ from the way most average photographers take, like different positions and different backgrounds and ideas. I eventually want to tour many beautiful places and take of scenery, and i'm always photographing flowers, close ups, distances, maybe even to take beautiful portraits that would look spectacular. Where do i start? Please give me whatever help and advice you can offer. Many thanks. One more big thing- I like to take many of one kind of picture until i get the perfect one, so i need to snap bunches of photos quickly, so i need a camera that can do that, image quality is important as well as colouring and clarity, that the photos should come out professional looking.