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Thread: photo of

  1. #1
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    photo of

    Hi, here's and image, just testing it out. Feedback please. Does it look to amateur or bright? it's from a point and shoot.

    its posted a few posts down
    Last edited by beautiful world; 17th June 2013 at 05:31 PM.

  2. #2
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    Re: photo of

    okay, this is not working, i'll try something else

  3. #3
    JimG's Avatar
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    Re: photo of

    i host my pictures on Imgur myself, it works amazingly well with this website

  4. #4
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    Re: photo of

    here's my photo

    photo of

  5. #5
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    Re: photo of

    I love the idea of a little girl in front of pink blossoms. I didn't want the background to rule her out and I didn't want her to rule out the background. Do the two suit each other well? is it too blurry or amateur? How does the quality look, coming from a point and shoot? (I know you can't expect anything really professional from those, saving up for a good camera). how is the lighting and colouring? Any other feedback?

  6. #6
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: photo of

    It looks like you've had a problem getting images loaded into your message. If you haven't already done so, please do read the helpful guide that walks you through how to get your pictures into your messages. Click HERE to read the thread.

    If that doesn't help solve the problem, then please do come back and ask for further help.

  7. #7
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    Re: photo of

    its not showing? I can see it

  8. #8
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: photo of


    I've got it now. Well done.

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Re: photo of

    Annie: I am going to assume that this young lady means something to you, and as such you believe that you have a great image, well you do not, now hear me out. I do like the way you have composted the image and framed it, the pink blossoms the branches and trunk of the cherry tree and her placement all lead to a good composition. When we look at an image our eyes are drawn to the light, no matter how much we look at different areas of the image our eyes always go to the light. That light is what has made it a bad photo. Can it be corrected yes, you have to shoot it at a different time of day, when the light is softer morning, evening or even overcast as that creates a soft light. In another post you have, you want to know about equipment to purchase to get great images, it is not the equipment it is the shooter's knowledge that produces great images as they know their equipment and light (the sun is a large part of that equipment) as it is all about the light. If that was the only time of day that the image could be taken then equipment comes into play a tripod, cable release, camera able to do a high speed burst, 7 or 9 shots, each bracketed 1-stop apart along with the computer, software, and knowledge to produce a great natural looking image. You have a P&S no problem, all you have to do is let the camera teach you, the camera is all about the light so open up let the light be your guide.



  10. #10
    Daisy Mae's Avatar
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    Re: photo of

    Can't see it!

  11. #11
    Digital's Avatar
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    Re: photo of

    Annie, our photographs are always teaching us about how we as photographers can improve our images. Perfection in a photograph is what in my humble opinion we always strive for, but we will never be able to attain.
    My simple point is that let your photographs teach you, and you will learn. Just keep shooting.


  12. #12
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    Re: photo of

    Quote Originally Posted by Polar01 View Post
    Annie: I am going to assume that this young lady means something to you, and as such you believe that you have a great image, well you do not, now hear me out. I do like the way you have composted the image and framed it, the pink blossoms the branches and trunk of the cherry tree and her placement all lead to a good composition. When we look at an image our eyes are drawn to the light, no matter how much we look at different areas of the image our eyes always go to the light. That light is what has made it a bad photo. Can it be corrected yes, you have to shoot it at a different time of day, when the light is softer morning, evening or even overcast as that creates a soft light. In another post you have, you want to know about equipment to purchase to get great images, it is not the equipment it is the shooter's knowledge that produces great images as they know their equipment and light (the sun is a large part of that equipment) as it is all about the light. If that was the only time of day that the image could be taken then equipment comes into play a tripod, cable release, camera able to do a high speed burst, 7 or 9 shots, each bracketed 1-stop apart along with the computer, software, and knowledge to produce a great natural looking image. You have a P&S no problem, all you have to do is let the camera teach you, the camera is all about the light so open up let the light be your guide.



    Hi Allan, thank your feedback, it's much appreciated. I thought that the light gives it a dream-like quality (but then again, I just happen to find everything pretty). I'm going to look over this site more in details and see what it says about lighting and other stuff. I guess I didn't realise that lighting was the most important factor in a picture. I'm not sure what these cable release or bracketed shots are, I have to do more reading up. I have very little knowledge in photography and i'm planning on taking a course as well as doing a lot of reading. As I mentioned, I'm only at the very beginning. Can the lighting be corrected through photoshop or one of these programs?

  13. #13

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    Re: photo of

    Hi Annie; you were right that location can give dream-like quality and just happen to be pretty also, however wrong light at that time moment in time. It is good that you are going to take a course or courses and do some reading try not to take everything in at once, as it will over power you.
    A camera like our eyes capture light that is how we see, our eyes do it a lot better than any camera. As a result most people do not see the light as they take it for granted. A photographer sees that light, is always looking for it, for how it will cause something to appear: cool, warm, hard, soft, how it will play across the subject etc.. When we see the light starting to form up on the subject we want, photographers go into what I call the zone we see only the image and the light, I sometimes call it the Love, it is working. Once we get the image we take it home, develop it, to how see saw it in our mind later we show someone the finished product, they look at it, say how good it is and that they wished they had been there, at that point you turn to them and say you were standing right beside me when I took it. That is seeing the light, they see a snapshot, you see a vision.
    One thing you might try and you do not need a camera of it, is to get up before sunrise about 45 minutes, find a place to sit and simply watch how the world changes as the sun comes up.



  14. #14
    ClaudioG's Avatar
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    Re: photo of

    Allen...i love the way you talk about light and photography...i need some of what you smoking bud . i bet i'd see the light... i could use all the help i can get ... lol

  15. #15
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    Re: photo of

    Quote Originally Posted by beautiful world View Post
    here's my photo
    this is fine, actually I want to learn about the focal length concept of the professional camera.

    photo of

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