The community-owned island of Gigha has 3 wind turbines, owned by the community, that provide significant income that is invested in bettering life for the 120 inhabitants of the island. At the moment, the money is being ploughed into improving the housing stock that was allowed to deteriorate when the island was in private ownership. That's a story that's been repeated elsewhere in Scotland on other islands and vast estates bought up by individuals to have as their private playground. The land ownership system in this country stinks and land reform is badly needed.
These three turbines are known as the Dancing Ladies and as soon as I saw them when we arrived on the island, I knew I wanted to make 3 images - One Lady Dancing; Two Ladies Dancing; Three Ladies Dancing. These are the results.
Any and all comments are welcome.
40D, 24-70mm f/2.8L @ 24mm. ISO100. 1/30s@f5.6
40D, 24-70mm f/2.8L @ 24mm. ISO400. 1/125s@f8
40D, 70-200mm f/4L IS @ 70mm. ISO100. 1/180@f11.