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Thread: Hello from newbie

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Hull, England
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    Hello from newbie

    I am Tony and I am from Hull in England. Although 53 years of age, I am new to photography. My main interests are birds and landscapes. I have been fascinated so far by what can be achieved in a photo editing suite. I am struggling to understand some of the terminology and what lens does what and why! I understand the basics so it will be a long learning curve, but enjoyable.

  2. #2
    terrib's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Colorado & Texas, USA
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    Re: Hello from newbie

    Hi Tony. Welcome to C&C. I was about your age when I got my first DSLR. It's a great time to start! This is a great place to learn. don't be shy about posting your photos and asking for feedback. Lot's of help to be had here!

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