As I've commented in other posts in the forums, two things I rarely do are people and B/W. B/W conversions, other than in rare cases, seem like a waste of perfectly good colors that we pay for the technology to deliver. A few weeks ago during an agility event, I managed to capture what I thought was a fairly decent candid shot of a handler with her dog at the start line of the course. A couple of days later after I had posted images for the event, the young lady contacted me and asked if I could do a B/W conversion of the shot. While I was glad that she liked the content of the image, I was a bit perplexed at the request for B/W.
Since I know next to nothing about B/W, I'd appreciate any feedback on how to improve the image. I simply used the portrait preset in the B/W conversion function in PSE.
Also, in the context of expanding my understanding of how people view photography and on humanity in general, I'd appreciate comments on the attraction of B/W photos. Below I've posted both version of the image in question.