Re: Help Choose an Ebook Cover for this Website
(1) too much of a cliché IM(H)O.
(2) if the book is just about taking photos, why not (this applies to 1 also), otherwise cliché-esque too.
(3) banal - might have been more interesting showing a transformation process for one photo
(4) banal, romantic image of the lonely photographer on his rock; last century-ish
(5) nice, striking image, good background
(6) the text doesn't say read me; uninspiring image
(7) the only one that suggests there is more to digital photography than taking photos.
I don't think any here are satisfying... Too much visual emphasis on digital photography being a matter of using a camera to take photos. Too many visual clichés - useful, I know, in the eye of the beholder, but not very exciting - not exciting enough.
Re: Help Choose an Ebook Cover for this Website
I don't think any of the covers are original enough :( but if I have to rank them...
I like the one with the eye best since photography is more about the eyes and brains. Unfortunately I too think it reminds me of something else...
The one with the lens is my second best, although it's a little bit dull (maybe rainbow colors instead of RGB, or a little bit of focusing after the light is passing through the lens). I think it captures the idea of the book.
The first one is eye-catching too, but I think it's a little bit cluttered. The camera is a collector of pictures (this is what I think this cover is trying to tell), but it should collect only the best images, so I think the number of images going inside the camera should be smaller. I also don't like the splitting of the world 'photography'.
The other ones don't say enough to me, so I won't comment on them.
Re: Help Choose an Ebook Cover for this Website
None of them made me feel as if they were head and shoulders above the rest.
1 impressed me as too busy
4 I liked the most but don't know that the image really says "Core Concepts"
7 impressed me for repeating the frequent Cambridge side by side method of displaying a concept.
Re: Help Choose an Ebook Cover for this Website
In my humble, newbie opinion I like number 4 the best.
In a lot of the reading on forums and blogs etc, a lot of people speak about the camera/equipment only one part of photography, usually when people ask (like me :D) what camera or tripod etc, is best for this or that.
So for me, number 4 is the only one that seems to relay that the book is about photography and all that entitles, not about cameras. A lot of the other members feels that that particular image is dated, I suppose I don't know enough to appreciate that, but I like it and it would be something that I am aspiring to now and might buy the book to try and achieve, if that makes sense?
Perhaps there could be another more modern image instead if people think that that particular image isn't suitable?
Thank you for the opportunity of joining in this, it has been really interesting reading the other posts and seeing their views and ideas.
Re: Help Choose an Ebook Cover for this Website
Nr 1 is my favorite. It is fresh and different from many other covers.
Grtz, JK
Re: Help Choose an Ebook Cover for this Website
To me the real essence of photography is captured in No 4. It is all about “seeing the light” and capturing the essence of that moment in time.
Re: Help Choose an Ebook Cover for this Website
The "eye" cover is the most eye-catching one and expresses the purpose of the site as well as any of the others.
Re: Help Choose an Ebook Cover for this Website
Originally Posted by
My choice is the first one, because it represents photography in all its assets. Not just landscaping, or portrait, and so on.
The others are also beautiful, but directed to represent one kind of a Subject.
There's no doubt for me that the cover with the eye is the most appropriate. As has been said, “The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.”
― Dorothea Lange
Re: Help Choose an Ebook Cover for this Website
I like the second image because it is quite the core concept. However the "digital" boxes from the fifth could be used to amplify that this book is about digital photography.
Re: Help Choose an Ebook Cover for this Website
For years I have pointed my students at Cambridge in Colour as an excellent point of reference material. It's clear, no nonsense approach to the subject of digital imaging says it all. For that reason, I have chosen image No 4. Clear, unambiguous, quality image. Likewise No 2. great images one and all by the way..
Re: Help Choose an Ebook Cover for this Website
I'm trying to imagine:
a - what, as a beginner I would be attracted to if browsing in a bookshop/online
b - what could work as part of a series of books, since this is Volume 1
I would probably look at them all but be immediately attracted to the eye and one one with the camera equipment and photo, the latter appeals to a beginner as it says (to me) "this book is going to tell you what you need to get started" while the eye says "this book is written by someone who thinks creatively". I would imagine that different covers may appeal to photographers at different levels and with different interests.
The last two, I feel, would work well as a series as the pixels could remain a constant, likewise with the pixels on the eye cover. I wonder if considering the content for the entire series would help this decision and also focusing on who will be purchasing the book, what level of photographer and so on.
The lens and the one directly underneath it would be the last browsed as I don't immediately and instantly understand the messaging from the image, these images could be on any photography book. I love the landscape one but the initial instant message for me is that "this is a book for experts" - I'm not going to be able to stand on a rock with a tripod at dusk/dawn.
To summarise, this is only my opinion and I'm not a marketing specialist, the image used needs to immediately send a message to the buyer. That message needs to accurately reflect Volume 1 content. Perhaps repost this and ask the question... what level of photographer are you & what single initial message do you get from each cover.
Re: Help Choose an Ebook Cover for this Website
Number 1 is too cartoon like for me.
I'm not keen on the the cover with lots of photos - too busy and I don't like the splitting of the word photography
As said by others the eye one is too much like something else.
The fourth one and the last three have images of landscapes and as much as I like landscape photography I think the images may mislead some into thinking the book is about one aspect of photography.
For me number 2 is the best.
Re: Help Choose an Ebook Cover for this Website
If I'm honest not sure any truly excited me. I agree with some other people that they are a bit 'seen them before'. The first and second one's are probably my favs if I had to choose although the second one does give off a kind of 'technical' message so maybe the first if more attracting.
A further observation is that the one's with a black background better suit the look of the website.
Just my opinions but hope they help
Re: Help Choose an Ebook Cover for this Website
I like the first one, because it caught my eyes the most.
Re: Help Choose an Ebook Cover for this Website
To me the 4th. image really explains the concept of digital image capture.
Re: Help Choose an Ebook Cover for this Website
For me it is the fourth one, with the photographer on the rock: it has a subject to be captured and a photographer capturing it, picking up the theme of the header. (I thought the first one was interesting but it does look as though the camera is being sick - the arrows are not really strong enough IMHO. If this is to be volume one then subsequent books could have a different front.
Re: Help Choose an Ebook Cover for this Website
I vote for number 1. The pixels in the background work, the variety of imagery says it is not limited to one genre, the camera with light going through it and images coming out identify it as photography, and the waves imply this is something new
Re: Help Choose an Ebook Cover for this Website
I choose 1 for the less experienced buyer, and 2 for the more experienced. Don't know who the audience is most likely to be.
Incidentally, how many of you followed Sean's link and actually voted, as well as expressing an opinion here? FWIW, the current standings are 4, 1, 2 - oops, maybe I shouldn't have disclosed that.
Re: Help Choose an Ebook Cover for this Website
The first design, with the images coming out of the camera, is my favourite. With so many technical books about photography, with fairly similar covers, this one stands out as different and imaginative.
It might not convey the same knowledge as the cover with light/colours going through a lens, and other designs, but it is a given that there will be information in the ebook. A book cover should grab your attention in a pleasant way, and this one does.
Re: Help Choose an Ebook Cover for this Website
For me the fifth, because the eye of the photographer is still what really makes the difference. At least, I hope so. Or am I old fashioned?