For me the However, I would like to see not only one photography but two being one in black and white.
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For me the However, I would like to see not only one photography but two being one in black and white.
I prefer the fourth and second, in no part particular order. The sixth seems off track to me--it would be better for a site primarily about equipment. I find the first and third (please do t take offense) a little gimmicky and tacky.
Definitely the second one. The first is too "busy" especially with the photo of the wheel being distracting; third one too bland; fourth is good though a bit on the dark side; fifth one too much colour - it looks like an ad for photoshop; sixth one rather dull and last two nice colour band but overdone for that image. happy choosing! hannibear
I don't like the Photo Graphy broken up, just doesn't look right. if underneath it had Photo=light,etc, that would add more interest and make it better.
I like the SECOND cover... it is simple and conveys the message..... r3
First one, except for the artistic O. The theme is inviting, suggesting that what is inside is going to give pleasure as well as knowledge.
I prefer the Number 6 . In my opinion this picture illustrates very well the title of the book "Understanding Photography" starting from the required equipment (camera body, lens, etc...) and to finally produce a good picture.
# 2 is the one I think tells the story!
The fourth and sixth ones are by far the only two worth considering. The rest look bloody awful mate. I'd also make the CiC logo slightly larger.
I think the eye is wonderful
I prefer the first cover proposal. It is dynamic and eye catching. I would suggest that one of the arrows could be reversed because what comes out of of the camera is a representation of what goes in.
I prefer the second, light through the lens, my wife prefers the last, water with rocks at sunset, the right one. All are nice and would nicely serve the purpose.
I also like four. The others all look like they are all about gear and technique but nothing about the artistry involved in photography. I'd pick up four but probably leave the others on the shelf. Four shows the end result of a fine image while also showing the photographer involved in the scene itself. Nice.
To my tastes, covers 2 and 4 all say "photography." Number 2 implies the technology of the subject, while number 4 speaks more to the gestalt of taking a memorable picture.
I'm afraid none of them are really apppealing. As has been said earlier the format for modern screens is all wrong. the design should be horizonal not vertical. I buy very few ebooks because they are in book format not screen format.
Having said that, if the format was changed to horizontal then the "eye" with a great deal of modification would be my choice. Get rid of the "web safe colours" at the top and put an image to the left and the image displayed on the retina of the eye.
Core concepts to me means heavy going. Why not something like "getting to grips with" or similar in a lighter vein.
The contents of the book is not known nor the intended readers nor whether there will be a second or more volumes.
Get the layout right and I'm sure there will be a demand for a "bound volume" the excellent tutorials here on CiC.
The first one would be my choice and the second one would be an alternative. They both have an attraction or a drawing to them.
For me the second one is the best - "tidy" and "well organized".
"L+L" - that is lens and light.
If I were in a store browsing the shelves I would be drawn by the fifth one - the eye - and possible the final one. The others are too generic - there are dozens of books that look like this on the shelves already. If I were browsing online I still think I would be drawn by the fifth one but I think also the second one since this works for me online but not in store.
Some great potential covers, but #2 grabs my attention.
My choice is for number 2, which better unveils what our eye captures. The others are nice, but in my view they represent what has been captured afterwards and perhaps good for subsequent volumes? Good luck!