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Thread: Pls make suggestion for me

  1. #1

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    Pls make suggestion for me

    Hi,i'm new to photograph and looking your suggestion for improving.
    the first one was shot at afternoon with my Fujifilm X-E1, 18-55mm, f/11, 1/210 and the second picture was shot at f/5.6, 1/320. i just feel it not sharp enough. Pls leave your comments help me to get improvement,thanks a lot.
    Pls make suggestion for me 21.4mm,f/11, 1/210

    Pls make suggestion for me 55mm, f/5.6, 1/320

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
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    Allan Short

    Re: Pls make suggestion for me

    Welcome to CIC, first question did these come out of your camera or have you applied and post procession, if post applied what did you use and what did you do.



  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Pls make suggestion for me

    Firstly, what other camera settings were used. For instance, did you shoot Raw or use any of the camera auto enhancement options. And what have you done in the way of editing?

    Both are tricky scenes. Trees are particularly difficult to photograph well. Was there any wind moving the leaves around. If so, your shutter speed may be a fraction slow.

    With the second photo, it looks like the light was a little hazy; and were you looking towards the light source. That always causes problems. I often find difficulties shooting towards the sun but if I turn around with the light behind me I get much better results.

    Sometimes it is necessary to just accept that the natural conditions are poor so you will never get perfect results at that particular time.

    ps. I see Allan was asking the same questions at the same time.

  4. #4
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Pls make suggestion for me

    Image 1 is difficult. Apart from the comments above, I can see some rather strange artefacts, especially around the figure and the bottom of the tree. Sorry, really don't know what is going on there.

    Image 2 is acceptably sharp to me. However, in composition you have the shore line in the middle of the image, which I don't think works too well. What is the most important part of the image, to you? If it is the sky and the boat, you could crop more from the bottom which would balance the image better.

    By the way, could you update your profile so we know where you are in the world, and the name you would like us to call you.

    Best regards,


  5. #5

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    Re: Pls make suggestion for me

    Allan, thanks for your replied. These are both original files come out of my Fujifilm x-e1, no post procession applied on it.

  6. #6

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    Re: Pls make suggestion for me

    Thanks for you replied.
    Pictures are original came out form camera and no post editing was applied. There're shot on JPG only.
    I set my camera meter on Multiple mode.
    I use Aperture priority Mode. The first picture ISO set on 400, I focus on the tree and increase f-stop to f/11 in order to get the deeper of DOF so I can capture the sky also. The second one, I set my ISO to 800 and focus on the boat.
    by the way there's a UV filter on my lens.

  7. #7

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    Re: Pls make suggestion for me

    Dave, thanks for your replied.
    Image 1, I try to capture the scenes that two people were resting under the tree. It's Saturday afternoon, we're stop of my working and apart of the busy city that gives me a sense of peaceful. I try to use the blue sky and green tree to express the peaceful feeling because they're nature and colorful.
    Image 2, I try to capture the boat, but the sky is beautiful so I get it to be my background. I still learning about framing and image balance. Following your suggestion I crop the bottom part and found it does balance a lot. thanks for your nice advice again, it helping me to improve in photography.
    [IMG]Pls make suggestion for me[/IMG]

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Re: Pls make suggestion for me

    Zien: I see that your files are jpegs, they have had post processing done to them by the camera, to the setting that a tech in a lab has decided they should be. Only RAW files have no post processing done to them, it is done by the photographer in a post processing program like Light Room or Photoshop or any other that can convert RAW files.
    Sometimes with a camera that has autofocus it focuses on some other place then what we wanted as they work on contrast, so in the first image it may have focused on the hill and with your shallow DOF (even f/11 can be shallow with a 21mm lens I find),the trees are not sharp.
    The second image you are shooting into the sun, the sky is brighter than the foreground, so the camera adjusted for the sky, so the foreground is too dark. A hard graduate filter could have been used to bring the sky down, or if you did not have one, then one applied in post production would have helped.
    I took a look at that camera here in Canada, with body and kit lens is $1300.00 I have seen a number of such camera up in Toronto the times that I go up there. They seem to be used by those in their early twenty's to early thirty's, the hip/cool set. When I ask about why they purchased it, they all say they love that retro look and feel, however they have no idea how to use it. I am saying this to you Zien because it is not the camera it is the person behind that camera, you have to practice with it all the time, learn it push it and yourself, demand more of yourself and camera. That also includes shooting in Raw, and do the post production yourself instead of what some lab tech believes it should look like, this is also an extra cost in creating your vision of the image that you captured, however is it your vision or some lab tech's? So really push yourself to learn all you can, I personally feel that you will outgrow it very fast, because it offers no choice of longer glass, you will start to feel limited as you can not reach out to a longer distance. Of the lens offered they are all short, the images that are on the site are all very good, done by pro's that know how to get the best out of their equipment, however they all remind me of what I call travel snap shots. The camera is what it is advertised as "lightweight ,compact, and stylish...perfect travel camera". Again I say push your self and that camera to get the most out of it, if in the end you want more than look at what is out there to help you create your vision, until then practice, practice, practice and more practice learning all the time, that is what it is about.


    Last edited by Polar01; 30th June 2013 at 02:40 AM.

  9. #9

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    Re: Pls make suggestion for me

    Allan, thank you for reminding me about this in my beginning stage of photography. i will take noted and practice to improve.

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