very good tonal range
Thanks Sandipan. Appreciate your comment.
Cool image. Nicely done here.
I agree, I think the light is wonderful.
Hi Karm,
Nice shot, I can see why you shot it. Good exposure and colour treatment too.
If mine I might have cropped 5% from lower and right hand edges to place the barn on more of a third, and also move the tree line/sky boundary away from being a 50% split.
Hi Kathy,
The EXIF data says: Nikon D5100 at 180mm on the Nikon 55-200mm lens, 1/400s at f/14 and iso 400 in Auto mode with Multi-Segment metering. PP with LR4.4 on Mac.
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 2nd July 2013 at 07:34 PM.
Thanks Dave. I'll play with your suggestions.
Donald and Bobo, appreciate your comments.
Kathy, more importantly than my camera settings that Dave shared, are two tools I use in Nik's color program: levels and curves and tonal contrast. Both of these tools give you a lot of power to manage your image.
Hi Karm.
Using Photoshop CS6's Camera Raw, I reduced the exposure on your image, increased (lightened) the whites, and decreased (darkened) the blacks, and it makes for more dramatic image - at least to me. I then cropped the lower 20% off the bottom (to get rid of the bright tree leaves) and a little bit of the right side to reposition the red shed more to the lower right. Try it to see what you think.
Ken, where is your image?
Ken, nice image. You captured a different phase of the storm in terms of your lighting. I have seen this lighting. I would really like your crop if the trees to the lower left of the barn were not present and if the sloping hillside extended all the way to the left. Thanks for posting your interpretation.
Comments welcomed.
I like what Ken has done to the clouds, Karm. I'd also try lightening the barn a bit. Afterall, that is the subject of the title.
Hi Greg. I also like Ken's clouds. I think his clouds correctly color the barn. In my image I was really trying to correctly capture a certain lighting that I have seen many times. As i said, I think Ken's image captures a different phase of the storm I was witnessing. No judgement here.