Your Photo's certainly POP! You might try photographing flowers that are more fresh, some times I mist them with a spray bottle of water right before the shot. You had great light and your exposure was spot on. Good Job!
Splashy, think of flowers, like taking a portrait. Look for good clean subjects........interesting subjects.........look for the one's with good backgrounds.................get some distance between the subject and background, to blur the background more.........soft crossing light(giving soft shadows), to add some dimension and depth to you image................
You wouldn't take a portrait, with a pole coming out of the subjects head, so why do it with a flower. (pay attention to your backgrounds)
Not all flowers will make a good shot. Learn to pass the bad one's up, and search for the one's that will offer a good shot.
You're looking for: a flawless flower(no blemishes), interesting light, clean backgrounds, and the ability to isolate the subject. When you find one , spend some time and shoot from different angles........sometimes some fill flash, off a bounce card, can help brighten the subject and darken the background. If the flower is in a planter, moving it to a better location, can make a huge difference.
Of the 4 you posted, I like the second and third the best. They have the cleanest backgrounds and make the subjects pop out.
The first blends in with the background too much, and the 4th had the post running through the flower.
Overall , a very nice job, on a 'VERY' difficult subject.(at least i've alway thought flowers were extremely difficult to photograph)
Thanks for the advise and comment.
Indeed I did the PP a bit rough. It was actually just to try how to blur the background in LR.
I realized after this 'flowershoot' how hard it is to find the perfect flower, because once open they're not perfect anymore, it seems.
Hi Splashy,
All of what SteveS said above +
#1 IMO , is the best composition but the weak flower colour is overwhelmed by the background and the buds (some in focus, some not) distract from the subject. Ahd've got right in close tae isolate the flower.
#2+3 are, again nicely composed but look over-saturated and the highlights are blown on both, causing loss of detail on the petals.
Despite #4 not being the bonniest of flowers, it shows more detail than the others and is the one ah'd pick out, though they all look over-sharp as well as over-saturated.