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Thread: Cristina y Catalina

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Cristina y Catalina

    There is a challenge for me to manage the background when it is too crowded with things.
    It is out of the question to try and move a reluctant "model" like my daughter.
    From this picture I love my serene expression and her illuminated smile.
    Another thing, the focus seems to be in the background.
    Is there a way to correct the picture?
    Cristina y Catalina

  2. #2
    Digital's Avatar
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    Re: Cristina y Catalina

    Quote Originally Posted by catalina View Post
    There is a challenge for me to manage the background when it is too crowded with things.
    It is out of the question to try and move a reluctant "model" like my daughter.
    From this picture I love my serene expression and her illuminated smile.
    Another thing, the focus seems to be in the background.
    Is there a way to correct the picture?
    Cristina y Catalina
    My first impression is that regardless of a reluctant subject is that you reshoot this photo, IF you are not pleased with it.
    Also depending on your level of expertise in post-processing (PP) you can use levels to change the background. Photoshop Elements, and the Photoshop CS series has the ability to do this. Other editing software may also be able to perform this function: however I am not familiar with them.
    Also it is difficult to judge whether this pic is in focus. You can sharpen photos in PP.
    IMHO sometimes photo opportunities present themselves, and you have to be prepared to take them when you can.
    Hope this has given you some points to ponder.


  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Cristina y Catalina

    Did you shoot the original in RAW format?

    You cannot correct a photo if back focusing occurred. You can try to apply contrast to the foreground if you have the software (such as Photoshop or Elements) and blur the background, but as Bruce stated, you really need to reshoot.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Cristina y Catalina

    Hi Catalina - I fully understand the reluctant daughter syndrome all too well; I get that out of both of mine as well.

    Personally, I think the image is as good as you are going to get; and while PP can be used to help it slightly; but in reality more care should be taken when shooting on those rare "cooperative" moments.

    1. Select a background that is not going to be intrusive. Something plain and not busy is going to work a lot better than what you have. The background in the image is competing for attention and even a massive amount of localized blurring or darkening in post is really not going to give you a better image.

    2. Use an appropriate shooting / focusing technique (change to spot metering mode and a reasonable f-stop). Focus on the nearest eye; half depress the shutter release to lock the focus and then recompose before taking the exposure. Matrix metering can be fooled by the background and the camera could be focusing on the background, rather than you and your daughter.

  5. #5
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    Re: Cristina y Catalina

    Catalina, you can always tell your daughter that more attention will be paid to her if a less intrusive (my word of the month) background was not competing for the viewer's attention.


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