Nicely captured Warren
Good colours, Warren, and the duck's wake holds the shot together
thank you for your comments they are much apprecated
Great colors and awesome lighting. Nice job. Beautiful.
This is a lovely picture but is also interesting from a mathematical point of view. Why are there ripples in front of the main wake?
Tony, do you mean the bow wave? You have to go to computational fluid dynamics to understand it. My math education ended with basic difference and differential equations. And the way my brain currently computes I can't understand anything beyond simple optimization problems.
Warren, nice image.
Karm, yes I did mean the bow wave. Computational fluid dynamics is not needed to get the form of the wave. It's to do with group velocity and phase velocity coming out of complex variable analysis but I have forgotten most of this stuff in my retirement. The important thing is that it is beautiful photograph.
thank you for the comments and the maths lesson