I am using the printer for about one year now, printing on PermaJet Portrait White and Ilford Gold Fiber Silk. Format: A4 and A3+.
For the second time now, stripes appear on the print and ink blotches appear at some places. Obviously, the print head touches the paper, it is actually audible during the printing process.
The first time this happened, som 9 monthes ago, the problem disappeared after 2-3 weeks.
The other day, the phenomenon appeared with the first sheet from a new box (A4), so it is possible the paper reacts to a change in humidity. To check this, I started a print on an A3+ sheet from a box which is open for several months now and on which I made good prints: the head makes stripes on that one, too.
I am now searching for another explanation than the humidity differential. Does somebody have an idea?
Thanks in advance.