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Thread: Anyone use the ColorMunki

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    SE Michigan
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    wm c boyer

    Anyone use the ColorMunki

    This question is resulting from my inability to obtain ICC Profiles for metal prints, it would seem that creating my own is one option.
    Anyone use the ColorMunki in this context...
    or would I be better served by going to

  2. #2

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    Re: Anyone use the ColorMunki

    Quote Originally Posted by chauncey View Post
    This question is resulting from my inability to obtain ICC Profiles for metal prints, it would seem that creating my own is one option.
    Anyone use the ColorMunki in this context...
    or would I be better served by going to
    You won't be disappointed by any advice or help you get from Andrew at digitaldog. He's the guru.

    OTOH, if you think you're going to profile more than a couple of times, and especially if you need monitor profiling anyway, then getting your own gear would be a good idea. In my experience the Colormunki Photo has done a fine job on inkjet papers and monitors. However, I've no experience whatever on metal prints.



  3. #3

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    Re: Anyone use the ColorMunki

    I was beginning to think that I had bad breath or something...I'm probably thinking of 3-4,
    so cost wise it's likely a toss-up and presume that the Dog would give superior results.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone use the ColorMunki

    I assume that you will be developing the profile with the company that will be doing the prints?

    What will be critical is that the inks and the metal that they print on will be consistent. Quality ink and paper manufacturers do so, but again, I don't know the process you will be using at all.

    The second issue that you are going run up against is the brightness of your computer screen versus the brightness of the metal print images. Profiling is not going to be of any help there. The only way you will be able to get that part working is through test prints (which is what you are probably trying to avoid).

    Remember - your screen uses an additive, transmitted light RGB process while the print is a CYMK, subtractive, reflected light process. The colour of the substrate is as bright as things get, unless the print process applies a white ink. If it does, that throws an interesting curve ball into the mix. If it does not, the uncoated metal surface is going to define the brightest colour you can get.

    Good luck, I look forward to reading as to how you make out.

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