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Thread: St. Maarten

  1. #1

    St. Maarten

    Hi all,

    This is a first-time image post, so I hope all goes well!

    I was in St. Maarten (dutch side only) a few months ago, and I took some shots I am particularly fond of. Unfortunately I knew I wouldn't have access to PP for some time, so these are shot in JPEG.

    The first is a little over-exposed, but there is a certain overwhelming energy about being on a Caribbean Beach. I think the blown highlights communicate that.
    St. Maarten

    This image I would like to crop a little off the top so the branches on the right palm anchor the top... and try to pull the red up on the fire hydrant.

    C&CC welcome. Let me know what you think, what you'd have done differently. And if there is a better way to upload...

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    Last edited by Captn Mike; 21st December 2009 at 11:33 PM. Reason: Fixing image post.

  2. #2
    bleys's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    British Columbia, Canada

    Re: St. Maarten

    I like both your shots, but I think for the first there might be a better way to convey the energy of a midday Caribbean beach other than blowing out the highlights. However, I thought your second shot was well exposed, especially compared to the first.

    As for composition, I can't really think of anything...I'm still a noob myself. I love both the cannon and the church, though. They make excellent subjects.

    I wish I could be more help for you! Maybe my comments will stimulate more from other board members?

    Good luck!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Bellingham, Washington, USA

    Re: St. Maarten

    Here's how the first shot might look with some adjustment in Photoshop Elements.
    Click to enlarge.
    Or view this:
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 24th December 2009 at 12:32 AM. Reason: Add text, add image

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: St. Maarten

    Now,in my opinion,yours is closer to church and God of course.(lasso and move tool for clouds to cover branches;layers palette-new layer-and brush tool for cross;in the end ctrlJ to obtain "layer 1" then blend mode to overlay and clone tool for wrongs).


    All the best
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    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 24th December 2009 at 06:14 PM. Reason: add image inline

  5. #5

    Re: St. Maarten

    Hi All,

    Thanks for the looks and the advice!

    Rich, I really like the way the edited exposure brings out the rust on the cannon. That is one of those subtle somethings I hadn't noticed when I took the shot!

    Quote Originally Posted by Radu Dinu Cordeanu View Post
    Now,in my opinion,yours is closer to church and God of course.(lasso and move tool for clouds to cover branches;layers palette-new layer-and brush tool for cross;in the end ctrlJ to obtain "layer 1" then blend mode to overlay and clone tool for wrongs).
    All the best
    Radu, wow! Just removing those three branches makes a HUGE difference! It really opens up that whole side of the frame! Although, I think it may leave the shot unbalanced... Do you agree? If I had thought of removing the branches I may have tried a different composition for more balance, but you did a great use of PP IMHO.

    I'm still waiting for my PP software to arrive (Merry Christmas to me!), so I'm looking forward to fiddling a bit myself.

    Thanks again everyone!


  6. #6

    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: St. Maarten

    Quote Originally Posted by Captn Mike View Post
    Hi All,

    Thanks for the looks and the advice!

    Rich, I really like the way the edited exposure brings out the rust on the cannon. That is one of those subtle somethings I hadn't noticed when I took the shot!

    Radu, wow! Just removing those three branches makes a HUGE difference! It really opens up that whole side of the frame! Although, I think it may leave the shot unbalanced... Do you agree? If I had thought of removing the branches I may have tried a different composition for more balance, but you did a great use of PP IMHO.

    I'm still waiting for my PP software to arrive (Merry Christmas to me!), so I'm looking forward to fiddling a bit myself.

    Thanks again everyone!

    On the left is a street clock which is wrong.I forgot to erase it.Excuse me!

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