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Thread: Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Lake Ambulalakaw, Mt. Pulag, Benguet
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    Victor Nimitz

    Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

    Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

    Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

    Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

    1. Have to learn retouching.
    2. Take it easy, relax don't rush things.
    3. Follow Andre's tip about a "list". and "do it!"
    ( I have one but in the excitement of the moment,
    forgot to even glance at it.. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........)
    4. Check LCD after shot. ( because I didn't, the first few shots were overexposed.)

    Gosh, Still have a lot to learn.

    Nikon D300. kit lens: 18-105mm @105mm. f/7.1, 1/125 ISO200. autoWB later changed to flash. off-cam flash. pp/viewNX2, helicon filter 5
    Last edited by nimitzbenedicto; 15th July 2013 at 06:39 AM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

    Hi Victor,

    I like the first two; angles, crops, pose - I;m not on my usual screen so I won't comment on WB, exposure, etc., although I do find her eyes striking; well done.

    The last suffers from a) looking up her nose, and b) too deep a shadow from it on her cheek.


  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

    Shot 1 -flash is too hot especially on her forehead and I find the shadow on her neck to be a bit strange. I don't love the crop and angle either. Things are just too tight on the left side of the frame. I prefer shots where the model is looking into the frame instead of out of it.

    Shot 2 - Shadow cast under her mouth and by her hair on the opposite side don't work for me. I think you need to push a bit of light in from the front to reduce or eliminate those.

    Shot 3 - I don't think this shot works particularly well, as Dave has pointed out. The model's neck looks out of proportion with her head (a combination of the PoV and the way her hair and clothes fall add to the problem).

    Your choice of a white background works well; good separation of the model from the background. I assume you are shooting with a single light and not using a reflector as a fill light on top of that? The overall lighting looks a bit harsh; are you using any form of light modifier; my guess is probably not one at all or a small diffuser as these create the hard light lighting we see in these images?

  4. #4

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    Re: Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

    Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

    same set-up as above shots.
    ( most likely, Dave and Manfred's critique & comments also apply to this 2nd set. )

    Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

    Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Victor Nimitz

    Re: Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

    Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

  6. #6
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

    Hi Victor,

    Wow... Those 3 shots look like a magazine cover shot. Adore the expression you caught on the models face. Fun photos.

    Love the last photo but something about her skin is not quite right...? Not sure, as I don't have any experience here but I had to comment because I think these last two sets are beautiful.

  7. #7
    Digital's Avatar
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    Re: Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

    Vic, these are really good work in portraiture.


  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Victor Nimitz

    Re: Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

    Quote Originally Posted by Christina S View Post
    Hi Victor,

    Wow... Those 3 shots look like a magazine cover shot. Adore the expression you caught on the models face. Fun photos.

    Love the last photo but something about her skin is not quite right...? Not sure, as I don't have any experience here but I had to comment because I think these last two sets are beautiful.
    How nice of you to share your comments. Very energizing.

    Yes, you've developed a sharp editing eye. You immediately saw my messed-up face retouching attempt. hehehe.... Now, I will really need to learn how to retouch.

    Thanks Christina.


    Quote Originally Posted by Digital View Post

    Vic, these are really good work in portraiture.

    Thanks Bruce for your kind words.

    (btw,I have to give credit to Kin for helping out with the lights. )

  9. #9
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

    Victor, your editing is very skilled as seen by these photos... It is good to know that I spotted something that needed work, as I am working on my editing skills, and I look forward to learning from you when I get around to doing portraits. Perhaps animal portraits
    Last edited by Brownbear; 19th July 2013 at 06:34 PM.

  10. #10

    Join Date
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    Re: Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

    Window light came from her left side. Used bounced flash to light up
    her right side. Maybe should've lowered its intensity to produce contrast
    on her right face. Will experiment with just the window light.
    To get catch light in her eyes, perhaps a low power setting with on-cam flash
    will do it.

    Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013
    Observation: Although used a cheap kit lens: 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6, I think its clarity or sharpness looks good enough.

    Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

    Looks like a "mug shot". Should've asked her to turn diagonally to the cam.

    Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

    Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

    Need to be aware of that cropped arm. Will pull back from 105mm down to 65mm to include the whole left arm next time.

    Nikon D300. kit lens:18-105mm @105mm , manual: f/8, 1/200, -2EV/ISO200,
    pp/viewNX2, helicon filter 5.
    Last edited by nimitzbenedicto; 19th July 2013 at 08:38 PM.

  11. #11

    Join Date
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    Re: Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013


    Sorry folks .

    Due to circumstances beyond our control, we were off the air for a short time .

    We now resume regular posting.

    Thank you for your kind consideration.


    Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013
    Last edited by nimitzbenedicto; 25th July 2013 at 08:21 PM.

  12. #12
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

    Hi Victor,

    Sorry folks .

    Due to circumstances beyond our control, we were off the air for a short time .

    We now resume regular posting.

    Thank you for your kind consideration.
    Let me guess - you reorganised your albums on PhotoBucket, didn't you?

    ... and I suspect this has caused all your posted images to disappear

    If you look at one of your old image URLs:

    all the bit in bold is what causes you no end of additional work if you move stuff around.

    This was one of the reasons I chose PBase, image links are not reliant on where the images are on my PBase site - I can re-organise that whenever I wish and it has no effect on the direct linked images


    I find it is just so much easier!
    ... and only costs 20-something dollars a year for 0.5GB

    Well, it works for me.

    Hope that helps,

  13. #13

    Join Date
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    Re: Chp II: studying how to do headshots/portraits 2013

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Victor,

    Let me guess - you reorganised your albums on PhotoBucket, didn't you?

    ... and I suspect this has caused all your posted images to disappear
    Thanks Dave, I was wondering what this was all about
    "LOOK WHO'S POPULAR" etc.etc.

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