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Thread: My first images for your Comments and Judgement

  1. #1
    New Member
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    My first images for your Comments and Judgement

    Hi all
    Here are Some of my images for you , feel free to comment and criticize. (after all that is what we are here for
    As i said in my first post I am new to photography , like aviation photography and landscape , nature will come in naturally as it shows up.
    Looking forward to see what you think of these .

    Thanks and regards
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by stevez; 15th July 2013 at 09:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: My first images for your Comments and Judgement

    Hi Steve,

    I recommend you have a read of these two threads in order to get quality responses.
    HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
    How to Get Effective Feedback for your Posted Images

    In particular;
    a) it helps everyone if you take the time to post the images larger "inline" - it says how in Part 2 here
    b) you should number the images so we can refer to them easily and unambiguously
    c) as you used CiC attachments (which strip EXIF data), it will help to give us the shooting information for each, especially if you have any queries on technical matters.

    Looking at these, a theme in several seems to be a sloping horizon - I would suggest you pay attention to that at time of capture, but if you forget, do fix it in PP (Post Processing) - that is the most obvious/important area I can suggest to improve your photography - because in other respects, they're not bad.

    Welcome to the CiC forums from ....
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 16th July 2013 at 12:00 AM.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: My first images for your Comments and Judgement

    Welcome to CiC too and I second Dave's comment about posting thumbnails .. much better in the message ... I have lost what I wrote twice though trying to see the bigger versions of the photos URRRGH
    Whatever ... do not worry unduely about sloping horizons as I would happilly bet that just about every photo I take needs a two degree rotation despite I swear I was holding the camera level .... BUT .. I do not let them out of my computer without treatment

    Both your aeroplanes have a common problem that you have carefully allowed equal space in front and behind them, it is a little confusing that the near wing stretches behind the tail with each which makes it look, at first glance, as if there is a ton of space behind the plane. A good guide to follow with all subjects moving and stationary that you allow a bit more space in front of them "room for them to move into" Even a statue looking left should have a bit more space on the left of it than on it right. If you don't get this in-camera it can be possible to 'enlarge canvas size ' behind the subject in editing and clone across background material to balance the photo better ... doesn't always work but it can improve some photos. Works better with boats and water than with planes on the ground

    The next two shots are very flat and dull and what I would be looking for in each you have in the third shot and that is something in the foreground to give a 3D look in a 2D medium. I think you were a bit late with the clouds and earlier I would hope there was more contrast brightness. In these three shots you seem to have 'put it all in' rather than organised depth to the material as I don't think what you have in the foreground of '5' is that exciting

    There is a compositional 'trick' which can help to tie land and sky together and this is to have something covering both like a tree or pole/building which would have helped the moon shot. Unless you have a LONG telephoto lens it may be better to capture the moon as it is coming above the horizon but that is being fussy

    But as Dave wrote they are not bad by any means ...
    Last edited by jcuknz; 16th July 2013 at 10:13 PM. Reason: spelling

  4. #4
    HaseebM's Avatar
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    Re: My first images for your Comments and Judgement

    Some good suggestions already but from my perspective, the first two images appear quite sharp whereas the third and fourth look underexposed. The fifth image I liked very much as it has some interesting hues. I am glad you posted because in the process I too learn something new.

  5. #5
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: My first images for your Comments and Judgement

    Steve - nothing to add to the suggestions above.

    . I have lost what I wrote twice though trying to see the bigger versions of the photos URRRGH
    Jcuknz, I used to sometimes have this problem, but now I open CiC twice in separate windows. That way I can see the pictures in one window, and type my response in the other. Maybe obvious, but I thought I'd mention it....

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Re: My first images for your Comments and Judgement

    Thankyou Dave ... I will try to remember to do that when opening thumbnails

  7. #7
    New Member
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    Stephen Zammit

    Re: My first images for your Comments and Judgement

    Thanks for replying and suggestions made , for sure will keep in mind what was suggested for moving objects and horizons. As for the wings on the tui aircraft the wings end exactly by the tail,and for the tornado ends even before , on both cases are he tail-planes that extends further.but really they look as if that is one continuous wing especially on the tornado. As for the 3rd and 4th ones,, yep!!! I was a bit late and i will post all data for each photo so it will be easier to evaluate and comment.
    thamks again for the help.

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