As mentioned in my previous thread, I'm back to macro, and lovin it! Here are some shots of a muscid fly. It was a willing subject, allowing me to work in very close proximity while it went about its normal activities.
Quick background on the shots and how I achieved them: Used Canon 7D, Sigma 150mm macro, tripod, ballhead, macro rail, wireless shutter remote, and a tinfoil reflector for fill light. The reflector is simply tin foil taped to a piece of cardboard, and is handheld at whatever angle and distance produces the desired lighting of the subject. For the second shot, I have included a small, raw example of the shot which I did not use the reflector, and then the next shot showing what a reflector can do. Granted the one without the reflector is not processed, but the difference in lighting is still relevant.
The usual processing - WB, exposure, color, contrast, sharpening etc. I did do some modifications to the shots such as removing some distractions via cloning and such.
View full size (f) in lytebox for best detail and sharpness. Thanks for looking, feel free to c&c.
WITHOUT reflector. Unprocessed. Note the darkness of the subject, and lack of color and detail.
With reflector. Processed. Compare the overall exposure of the subject to that of the shot above that did not use a reflector.