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Thread: Haunted and under the bridge

  1. #1
    splashy's Avatar
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    Haunted and under the bridge

    Please comment why yes or why no.

    Haunted and under the bridge

    Haunted and under the bridge

  2. #2

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    Re: Haunted and under the bridge

    Haunted is cool! I might try to pick-up a single color very, very slightly in the house--opposite to the purple sky --maybe a little yellow/green glow--very slight. That would offset the "landscaping. For some reason, it looks a little "flat" to me, but it could be my monitor/eyes/or just me.

    The bridge is cool too! The one reflection on the water that looks like a traffic stripe bothers me for some reason. I almost wish it was the photo could be turned a bit to the left for balance, but again, that's personal preference. This photo makes me want to explore more of the area and frustrated you didn't include more photos of it! LOL

    Keep having fun!


  3. #3

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    Re: Haunted and under the bridge

    Hi Splashy - great perspectives. Both your images need a bit of rotation - the house needs to go a bit counterclockwise and the bridge needs to go a bit clockwise. Thanks for sharing!

  4. #4
    splashy's Avatar
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    Re: Haunted and under the bridge

    Thank you for the answers.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Re: Haunted and under the bridge

    Just wonder if #1 has the house a fraction too close to the image sides, particularly at top and bottom.

    But possibly you had to avoid something.

  6. #6
    splashy's Avatar
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    Re: Haunted and under the bridge

    Tank you for the comments.
    Geoff you're so right, I have a bad habit of taking pictures a bit close, the result is little space around the objects sometimes.

    I tilted the originals and that looks better indeed.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Re: Haunted and under the bridge

    When possible, I always try to give myself a little extra working space around my intended subject to allow for a little bit of rotation; then crop to suit during editing. That is one advantage with modern super sensors.

  8. #8
    Ken Curtis's Avatar
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    Re: Haunted and under the bridge

    Hi Splashy.

    #1: Given a choice of yes or no, I say yes. It looks like the photo was taken near midday and then post processing was used to make it look like nighttime and spooky. To me the vignetting is too obvious. It might have been better to paint darker areas to make a more realistic look. For example you could have darkened the grass and stone pillar in the lower right.

    #2: Given a choice of yes or no, I say no. You have made the true colors quite pale and unrealistic for my tastes. Of course, this is personal preference and if you like it, great, stay with it.

  9. #9
    splashy's Avatar
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    Re: Haunted and under the bridge

    Thank you for the comment, you're right about midday and yes I have to learn about making it look more realistic, because it looks a bit flat.

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