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Thread: I notice that posting photos on this web site softens photos a bit. . .

  1. #1
    New Member
    Join Date
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    Flyover Country, USA

    I notice that posting photos on this web site softens photos a bit. . .

    Any suggestions on sharpening for posting photos here?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: I notice that posting photos on this web site softens photos a bit. . .

    We need more details on exactly what you are doing and how you are uploading.

    Resizing for internet use can soften a photo slightly so I usually use a little bit of Unsharp Mask before uploading. Amount 50, radius 0.4 and threshold 1 would be typical for me; but everybody seems to have their own personal preference.

    If you don't resize to a suitable size your image will be automatically resized which can cause a reduction in sharpness.

    Linked photos have also been known to suffer in some cases.

    The Tinypics option usually works well. But there are size restrictions.

  3. #3

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    Re: I notice that posting photos on this web site softens photos a bit. . .

    I always re-size my file to 700 max. pixels across for inclusion in these forums and sharpen it after that and before I post anywhere ... sharpening is the last stage of your workflow prior to sending it away.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: I notice that posting photos on this web site softens photos a bit. . .

    700 pixels is max when uploading to a CinC Personal Gallery. There is also a max file size which I think is around 150 kb.

    Tinypics can handle slightly bigger images. I usually resize to 1,000 pixels on the long side and 80% quality Jpeg. But I think the max size is somewhere around 1500 pixels with that method.

    There is more information here HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
    Last edited by Geoff F; 26th July 2013 at 05:44 PM. Reason: link added

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: I notice that posting photos on this web site softens photos a bit. . .


    The answer lies within this post.

    Could you do me a favour please?
    Could you click Settings (right at the top),
    then Edit Profile (on left) and put your first name in the Real Name field? - thanks.

    Welcome to the CiC forums from Dave

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