Hi Dave: This is the kind of shot that I like to take, and that I have trouble with. really like the colours, but if it was my photo, I know I would be trying to make adjustments. I think for sure that I would crop the bit of a branch top right, and I might crop a bit at the right so that the branches at the bottom right were coming in at the corner. In my twisted mind that just kind of balances the two forground objects on diagonals.
I love the colours, and I know I'd want to play around with them, which I did. Hope you don't mind. See below for what I've done.
I think I like the crop, but I've probably really messed the colours up and made them look artificial. Might have lost a bit in the downsizing too. I don't know. I'm not really qualified to be Commenting on your work, but seeing as it's the type of photo that I like to take, I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm interested to see other's comments on your original
Merry Christmas...Family is waiting so I better get a move on.