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Funny, I think that all contact wearers say that when they first get them; I sure did. They are great, especially in the rain, but are not so good in dusty or windy environments.
The other issue with them is that they never correct your vision as well as glasses, especially if you have significant astigmatism (in my case that was my main vision issue in one eye), and even with toric lenses, the correction was limited.
I found that my eyes tended to get dry and tired towards the end of the day (there are good technical / medical reasons for this happening), especially if you spend a good part of your day reading and sitting in front of a computer screen. I would usually take them out in the evenings and often on weekends.
Now it has gotten to the point where I only wear them when scuba diving. Here I wear one lens for reading in my left eye so that I can read my dive instruments at arm's length, and a toric in in the right eye so that I can see things that are farther away.
Contacts are great, but as with anything, they are not a panacea and they do have limits.