It was obvious (to me), that you went to the trouble of choosing similar cameras.
I was NOT commneting on YOUR choice of the example that you chose to post.
I was commenting on the "compasion lens testing".
A "test" for "comparison of the lenses" would be better, for example, if the tester used the SAME Nikon camera to make the comparison of the lenses - which that company does not seem to do.
That was; and is the point.
Last edited by William W; 6th August 2013 at 11:39 PM.
Yes: I only had a quick squiz last night but I was looking closer at many test results from that company this morning.
On another note -
Particularly interesting (for me) are the comparisons between the EF lenses used on (Canon) APS-C bodies and "similar" (Canon) 135 Format Bodies.
That website is actually quite an handy resource for such comparisons - at least for the theory of some matters and discussions of them.