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Greg, I have just started on Time Lapse and have done a few simple videos. I have also surfed the Internet for good videos on the technique. There are excellent You Tube tutorials to get you started such as Adorama. A simple Time Lapse is not difficult but it is time consuming and uses battery power. You basic equipment is
1. A dslr. You can't do Time Lapse on a compact camera
2. A sturdy medium to heavy tripod that won't move in the wind.
3. An Intervalometer. This enables you to set your camera to take shots at varying intervals. Your camera may have a built in one. I use an external Hahnel Giga Pro 11. There are other brands.
4. Spare batteries and a fast high capacity card.
5. Lightroom or another program to create your video
Start in your own backyard with time lapses of the clouds moving across the sky. Camera on tripod, compose your picture. Set the timing to one frame every 6 seconds. Medium jpeg. Let it run for an hour. Don't touch the camera. You will take 600 shots. Import it into Lightroom and go to the Slide Show module. Export the video at 24 frames per second. That will give you 25 seconds of video. Save it in its own folder and voila! you have your first Time Lapse. Practice this technique in various situations. Like photographing moving people in a Mall or the street. Sunsets from an overbridge, car lights at dusk. Become familiar with the simple things before tackling more difficult things like the stars. Don't be put off by the guys who say you need heavy expensive gear - just admire their work and do your own your way with simple gear. All you need is a dslr camera, an intervalometer, a good tripod, spare batteries and a larger fast card. Oh, and plenty of time!
provided you start