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Thread: Traveling with Expensive Equipment

  1. #1
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Traveling with Expensive Equipment

    I read through most of the posts and did not see a thread that discussed this subject. I do a lot of traveling for work but also for leisure and often debate whether or not to take my more expensive cameras with me. Part of the problem is that I am concerned with items being stolen. I prefer not to check my luggage so everything has to fit in my carryon bags. I traveled to Las Vegas this past Autumn and took all three cameras (Nikon S220, P90, and D60) and I was glad that I did. Some trips just don't seem to merit carrying all of this equipment, but I usually regret not including all or some items. There is always a particular photographic condition that cannot be covered by a point and shoot. For instance, in Vegas I was at an outdoor show (Treasure Island) that included fast paced action, fireworks, and changing lighting conditions, the show started on the hour beginning at 7PM, and I would not have been able to capture all of the action with just one type of camera.

    What are the forum members opinion on traveling, and carrying expensive equipement, and safety of cameras?

  2. #2
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: Traveling with Expensive Equipment

    I generally travel with much equipment. However, I live in and travel in a much different environment than do many of you.

    Living in a rural area and spending most of my travels in that environment, I don't have the population densities to worry about. Granted there are criminals living in our idyllic environs, but the actual numbers are fewer, because the total population is smaller.

    This, coupled with my background and training, which makes me very aware of my surroundings at all times (not-quite-paranoia) makes my travels relatively safer.


  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Traveling with Expensive Equipment

    With the current security measures, it may be harder than ever to photography equipment. I understand that some airlines are totally banning carryon luggage or limiting it to one bag, because of the latest terrorist threat. As I said, I prefer to travel light and one bag will not give me enough room to carry my larger camera and lenses. Traveling by train within the U.S. is so time consuming that it would not be an option. Point and shoot cameras will become very popular for some photographers.

  4. #4
    John C's Avatar
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    Re: Traveling with Expensive Equipment

    When traveling by plane, I take one carry-on backpack that holds my laptop computer, camera and four lenses. If I had too much gear to carry on the plane, I would check anything that wasnt too dear to me. Otherwise, I would ship it to my destination using a reputable carrier such as FedEx. Make sure you have a list (and photo) of the contents and insure it for the total value. The cost of the insurance is usually not too much.

    I do a lot of business travel and ship equipment around a lot within the United States and over the years I have only had FedEx misplace something once such that it took a couple days to find it. I had one box of equipment get damaged and they readily paid the repairs of the equipment and replacement of the shipping case - it took a few days to get the money. The airlines dont come anywhere close to this level of reliability and they are only liable for a relatively small replacement value if the package is damaged or lost. This works well for travel in the United States but I'm not sure about international travel. Maybe you could get travel insurance.

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Traveling with Expensive Equipment


    I do a lot of traveling for work also and would carry some electronic instruments in my carry on. I doubt if it will be possible to do so now, especially if screeners are not knowledgeable of the equipment. Two years ago while vacationing in India and returning to the U.S. on Air India I was forced to discard an entire package of double AA batteries that I had in my carryon. Like I said, I prefer to travel light and prefer to carry my photography equipment in my carryon, but now this may become impossible to continue doing. Your idea of shipping equipment may be the only option available but I can imagine the stress of having the equipment lost when I arrive for a trip of a life time or a key assignment.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Re: Traveling with Expensive Equipment

    Hi Everybody,

    Due to security reason, batteries and any liquid material is not allowed in the flight, and weight is limited to 20 kg only. while on assignment, we have to carry, lot of heavy equipment. We have prepared special bag, which can hold one Digital still camera, one HDVideo camera., 2 lenses, and 2 small flashguns., this we carry with us, and TRIPOD,
    Stands, lights etc. We pack them in heavy padded bags, to be carry in luggage, this is for the safety of the equipment, so that they are not damaged while in transit. Ofcourse we have to pay heavy luggage charges for this, but have faced no trouble....All our bags are made to order as per our specification.

  7. #7

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Traveling with Expensive Equipment

    My favourite "airline security story" was when there was a gate change on the return leg of a domestic flight that now directed us through airport security (I carry a Swiss army knife on my belt (and a small torch) as part of my everyday attire).

    When I got to the front of the queue I said "I suppose that this is going to be a problem?" Oh my goodness yes, that's going to be a problem! Two choices - forfeight it ($300 knife, ouch), or check it as baggage (cue "this is a final boarding call for flight 765 to Nelson - passengers should now be onboard the aircraft - strapped in - door closed, and engines turning etc!).

    In the end I checked it - and just made the flight (last one onboard). The irony was that earlier in the day I flew down to where I was, upfront in the cockpit with the pilots, complete with Swiss army knife & torch on my side!

    The "problem" with airport security is that "right or wrong", they're always "right" - pretty pointless arguing with them - only on the rarest of occasions will it get you anywhere.

    On my last trip I just took my iPhone

    Traveling with Expensive Equipment

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