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Thread: Each day more photos are taken with a ....

  1. #21
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Each day more photos are taken with a ....

    Quote Originally Posted by tao2 View Post
    Sorry Shadowman, wasn't clear enough. Didn't mean it was technically difficult; ah usually zone focus. Ah meant that it's very difficult tae capture spontaneous or fortuitous moments when yer carrying a big f*** off DSLR.

    ... A camera's a camera - they're all limited...

    HTC Desire HD - phone - 8 mp...

    [IMG]Each day more photos are taken with a ....[/IMG]

    Each day more photos are taken with a ....

    Each day more photos are taken with a ....
    Hi Bob,

    You were clear enough, I described the technique because it eliminated waiting for auto focus and also the jerky motion we sometimes make when we see something that interests us. Having the camera ready (at least for a specified distance) helps me use the DSLR for street photography. I can at least get one or two spontaneous images before the subject notices me.

  2. #22
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Each day more photos are taken with a ....

    Actually the advert says "Every day more people take photographs with an iPhone"

    It doesn't say more than what just more and as more are sold every day they are technically right. Its a clever bit of wording and one they use for people listening to music in another variant of the ad.

    As to the quality of images taken with mobile devices just google the subject, there are photographers out there taking amazing pictures with their phones. Try That Tree or look at the guy who shot the Olympics last year with an iPhone and a pair of Canon IS Binoculars....and thats just for starters.

  3. #23
    Henk33's Avatar
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    Re: Each day more photos are taken with a ....

    Quote Originally Posted by jcuknz View Post
    The best camera is the one you have with you when you need one.
    I agree

  4. #24

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    Re: Each day more photos are taken with a ....

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    I see very few DSLRs on the streets .
    I spent Sunday Aug 25 at Ironman Canada in Whistler, BC photographing and cheering on my son, a triathlete.
    I was quite impressed by the relative abundance of DSLRs... Everything from rookies with entry level cameras and kit lenses to professionals who looked like "gun slingers" from the wild west with more than one camera in their holsters.

    The competition between spectators and photographers was fierce. I found I had to position myself two hours ahead of the athletes to have a chance at the pictures I wanted. If I knew how to post a picture here I would and solicit some feedback.

  5. #25
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Each day more photos are taken with a ....

    Quote Originally Posted by skilsaw View Post
    I spent Sunday Aug 25 at Ironman Canada in Whistler, BC photographing and cheering on my son, a triathlete.
    I was quite impressed by the relative abundance of DSLRs... Everything from rookies with entry level cameras and kit lenses to professionals who looked like "gun slingers" from the wild west with more than one camera in their holsters.

    The competition between spectators and photographers was fierce. I found I had to position myself two hours ahead of the athletes to have a chance at the pictures I wanted. If I knew how to post a picture here I would and solicit some feedback.
    This link should get you started posting.

    HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?

    Regarding cameras seen in public, I see a lot of iPads or flashpads or whatever they're called these days. The slightly amusing thing I saw a few months ago was someone using a laptop as if it were an iPad. On any given day I see majority using cellphones, a lot of point and shooters still out there, followed by the rest. I love to take photos of photographers and what they are using.

  6. #26

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    Re: Each day more photos are taken with a ....

    Taken during sunset at Luang Prabang in Laos, last year, not an IPhone in sight.

    Each day more photos are taken with a ....

  7. #27
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Each day more photos are taken with a ....

    Quote Originally Posted by Ken MT View Post
    Taken during sunset at Luang Prabang in Laos, last year, not an IPhone in sight.

    Each day more photos are taken with a ....
    But I see a cellphone in the background.

  8. #28
    Venser's Avatar
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    Re: Each day more photos are taken with a ....

    I was at the zoo recently, and the number of people taking pictures with their iPad and iPhones was astounding. I always wonder if they actually do anything with those photos when they get home.

    Each day more photos are taken with a ....
    Here's a shot of a tiger at ISO 800, 200mm, f/3.2. Everyone around me had one of the above mentioned cameras and I can't fathom what they were hoping to do with the images. I've never used an iPhone or iPad, so I don't know their camera capabilities, but I have to assume they're no where near my D700 plus professional quality lenses.


  9. #29

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    Re: Each day more photos are taken with a ....

    Quote Originally Posted by Venser View Post
    Everyone around me had one of the above mentioned cameras and I can't fathom what they were hoping to do with the images. I've never used an iPhone or iPad, so I don't know their camera capabilities, but I have to assume they're no where near my D700 plus professional quality lenses.
    In the RAF we were told never to assume . . was there a Samsung Galaxy there?

    Each day more photos are taken with a ....

    Not that I have anything against the D700 ;-)
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 3rd September 2013 at 08:08 PM.

  10. #30
    dabhand's Avatar
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    Re: Each day more photos are taken with a ....

    Good workmen rely on their ability to achieve the results they want by making the best use of the tools they have to hand and their work stands the test of time.

    Ansel Adams's photographic gear:

    "...Item: one 8 x 10 view camera, 20 holders, 4 lenses -- 1 Cooke Convertible, 1 ten-inch Wide Field Ektar, 1 9-inch Dagor, one 6-3/4-inch Wollensak wide angle. Item: one 7 x 17 special panorama camera with a Protar 13-1/2-inch lens and five holders. Item: one 4 x 5 view camera, 6 lenses -- 12-inch Collinear, 8-1/2 Apo[chromatic] Lentar, 9-1/4 Apo[chromatic] Tessar, 4-inch Wide Field Ektar, Dallmeyer [...] telephoto.

    "Item: One Hasselblad camera outfit with 38, 60, 80, 135, & 200 millimetre lenses. Item: One Koniflex 35 millimeter camera. Item: 2 Polaroid cameras. Item: 3 exposure meters. One SEI, and two Westons -- in case he drops one.

    "Item: Filters for each camera. K1, K2, minus blue, G, X1, A, C5 &B, F, 85B, 85C, light balancing, series 81 and 82. Two tripods: one light, one heavy. Lens brush, stopwatch, level, thermometer, focusing magnifier, focusing cloth, hyperlight strobe portrait outfit, 200 feet of cable, special storage box for film.

    Item: One ancient, eight-passenger limousine with 5 x 9-foot camera platform on top."

  11. #31
    HaseebM's Avatar
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    Re: Each day more photos are taken with a ....

    Each day more photos are taken with an iPhone or android and as long as these photos bring joy to the user, that is all there is to it. Some memorable one's too can be stored in certain cases. Quality aside, if there is a certain scene I want to capture and don't have my DSLR on hand, I would certainly use my in-phone camera. If given enough time or the scene is static and I have both on hand, then I would prefer the DSLR.

  12. #32
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Each day more photos are taken with a ....

    Two statements from this month's (october 2013) Esquire magazine by Peter Martin, page 130.

    NOTES FROM THE FUTURE total of fifteen statements.

    3. Your only camera will be on your phone. With phones like the 41-megapixel Nokia Lumia 1020 advancing smart-phone technology, most of us will be all too happy to use the cameras we already carry in our pockets.

    Statement is free of statistics, assumes a lot about "everyone", and doesn't provide us with reasons why.

    14. it will never be acceptable to hold up your tablet to take a photo.

    I'll let that one smolder for awhile.

  13. #33
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Each day more photos are taken with a ....

    It may not be acceptable but I wish my DSLR could somehow have a 9.6" Retina screen because firing up the camera on the iPad to take pictures is astonishing.

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