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Thread: Take me as you find me, ..... please

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Jeremy Rundle

    Take me as you find me, ..... please


    Warning, I am dyslexic, so please take this into account when I post as I may come over as abrupt but saying what I want can sometimes be a problem. I don't mean to sound rude in my comments.

    I have always posted links from this site on others when they ask questions as I find this one of the most informative sites with answers to questions that there is on the net.

  2. #2
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Take me as you find me, ..... please

    O.K. and welcome. You can join me and a few others that don't mean to be abrupt but may occasionally appear that way. The rest are wonderful.

  3. #3

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    Re: Take me as you find me, ..... please

    Hi Jeremy, Thanks for the heads up about your communication style.
    I'm new here too.
    I found another Forum where the members took themselves way to seriously.
    (Lots of expertise here, but not too much stuffyness I hope)

    To make a long story short, I posted messages like,
    "The brim of my Tilley Hat gets in the way when I'm taking pictures. What should I do?" and
    "Do I have enough equipment to call myself a professional?"

    After half a dozen messages like that, they kicked me out.
    But before that, I got a couple of replies from members who did get the joke.

    I'm hoping, if I haven't quite learned my lesson, and do slip into my "mockery" style of humor, that the upper echelons here will allow me to remain, or at least give me a warning before giving me the Heave-ho.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Take me as you find me, ..... please

    Hi David,

    "The brim of my Tilley Hat gets in the way when I'm taking pictures. What should I do?" and
    "Do I have enough equipment to call myself a professional?"


    I'm hoping, if I haven't quite learned my lesson, and do slip into my "mockery" style of humor, that the upper echelons here will allow me to remain, or at least give me a warning before giving me the Heave-ho.
    1. Take off your hat - or give up photography
    2. If you have to ask - you don't
    3. You can always use a grinnie or a smilie to indicate when we shouldn't take you seriously

    We are primarily a learning site, and although not averse to humour, no one likes to spend their time answering what they thought was a serious question, only to discover they wasted their time instead of enjoying the joke.

    Hi Jeremy,

    I have always posted links from this site on others when they ask questions as I find this one of the most informative sites with answers to questions that there is on the net.
    Glad you ahve found us useful and reference to us - thanks.

    Welcome to both of you, from me,

  5. #5

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    Re: Take me as you find me, ..... please

    Quote Originally Posted by JR1 View Post
    ....when I post as I may come over as abrupt but saying what I want can sometimes be a problem. I don't mean to sound rude in my comments....
    You'll fit right in

  6. #6
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Take me as you find me, ..... please

    Jeremy: I agree you will fit right in.

    David, I think Dave Humphries missed the obvious answer to your two questions. Get a big, long lens. All the professionals carry one, and as a matter of fact the size is in direct correlation to your status; sort of like moose or elk antlers. No matter how big the hat (and you will need a large one to cover your swelling head) it should clear the brim.

  7. #7

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    Re: Take me as you find me, ..... please

    I feel at home already.

  8. #8

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    Re: Take me as you find me, ..... please

    Quote Originally Posted by skilsaw View Post
    ...To make a long story short, I posted messages like,
    "The brim of my Tilley Hat gets in the way when I'm taking pictures. What should I do?" and
    "Do I have enough equipment to call myself a professional?"....
    So you never got any answers? Darn, I've wanted to ask the same thing for a long time but can never get up the guts. I did find that carrying a clothes pin in one's shirt pocket can take care of the brim of the hat when needed.

    See, this is a learning forum. You don't get valuable tips like that just anywhere. Donald already dealt with the "am I a pro" aspect so I skipped that (but I've got a lens big enough to use as a boat anchor so I'm set )

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Re: Take me as you find me, ..... please

    Dave Humphries gets the red ribbon,
    Tbob gets the blue ribbon.
    I think I'll start shopping for a big lens.
    Maybe take the sum of the lens length and that "light shade" thingy that clips on the front of the lens.
    That way I can fool non-photographers into believing that my whats-it is longer and fatter than it really is.

    Or I might just buy a very large camera case. I can carry my sweater, (Pull-over to those of English extraction) lunch and thermos in it, along with my Whiznod Spotcheck camera that I earned with 6 cereal box tops.

    How do I put a little smiley face on here?

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