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Thread: Ordinary mall

  1. #1

    Ordinary mall

    Ordinary mall

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Windsor, Berks, UK
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    Re: Ordinary mall

    Hi Iwan,

    An ordinary Mall - I don't think so

    I can imagine this is an impressive sight, but unfortunately 18mm, indoors, tilted up at that angle AND viewing some rather grand architecture has produced a rather odd result in the background.

    I think I am looking at a half dome, but the lighting and angle of view tricks the eye (well my eyes) into believing it is a full dome which is horribly distorted - and that makes my head hurt

    If that was the intention, well done, if it wasn't, you need to keep a look out for such things in the viewfinder.

    If anyone feels I'm talking rubbish (again), do speak up.

    Hope that helps,

  3. #3

    Re: Ordinary mall

    Thank Dav for yours'advise. I took snap shoot. In the mall too busy and we not allow take foto's ( privacy )

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