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Thread: Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario

  1. #1
    VanessaS's Avatar
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    Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario

    Great Horned Owl
    Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario

    Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario

    Peregrine Falcon
    Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario

    Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario

    Barn Owl
    Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario

    Screech Owl
    Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario

    Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario

    Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario

    Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario

    Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario

    Looks like you had quite a productive visit, Vanessa.

    You've put in good depth-of-field on them so that teh backgrounds are thrown out-of-focus. I wondered if darkening down the backgrounds would push more attention onto the birds. Some of those backgrounds are quite bright and are maybe competing with the light on the bird. Just a thought!

  3. #3
    jprzybyla's Avatar
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    Re: Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario

    Nice images, beautiful birds. As Donald wrote, a very productive visit.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario

    Hi Vanessa,

    Were these shot at one of those photo opportunity days?

    I ask because I have done one of these (here in UK) and it is great when they take the normally caged birds to interesting forest settings, set them down and let a handful of photographers take their pictures. Well worth the extra you pay.

    Were you shooting RAW or jpg?
    I ask because the exposure could probably be usefully reduced on the last five (successfully if RAW).

    You might also want to experiment with selective application of image enhancements to avoid applying them to the backgrounds, as it seems you might have here (with Elements 11).

    Please don't think I didn't enjoy studying them, I particularly like all your crops/compositions, well done.

    Hope that helps,

  5. #5
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario

    Thank you for sharing... I think #6 & #7 are beautiful, also love #2 and the first one for the expression captured...

  6. #6
    VanessaS's Avatar
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    Re: Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario

    These were taken at a raptor centre which rehabilitates and releases many native raptors. All the models were permanent residents - either due to injury or because they are species which are non native to Ontario. Many were neglected almost to death and were part of confiscation cases. It was a fantastic opportunity and the centre did a wonderful job of supplying each bird with an appropriate stand and letting us photograph them in an open area. They were all used to the attention and were very cooperative. The little kestrel was just a joy and was very comfortable - even enough to start grooming for us. The weather could not have been better.
    The event was arranged by the Toronto Sony Camera group and was free of charge but only open to Sony users. I am part of their group on Meetup.
    I did very little to the original set of photos because I was using Elements 11 at the time and I had just bought it and was still playing around. The only adjustments I made were to heal a few stray feathers here and there and crop. I have since switched over to Lightroom 5, which I prefer, but I haven't put them through that program yet.
    I did take my favourites of the Peregrine Falcon and Screech Owl and adjusted them below, in Lightroom, based on the feedback about the backgrounds being too light. Let me know what you think. I'm still learning how to use Lightroom as well.
    I use a Sony A57 and these were taken with my Minolta 100-300mm. All were taken in .jpg format.

    Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario

    Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario
    Last edited by VanessaS; 8th August 2013 at 06:00 AM.

  7. #7

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    Re: Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario

    What an opportunity. Looks like you had fun. The peregrine shot is awesome. A bit tightly framed top and right side of frame but a nice shot none the less.

  8. #8
    VanessaS's Avatar
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    Re: Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario

    Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario

    Mountberg Conservation Raptor Centre - Miltion, Ontario

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